Game 1333471
Game 2108109
2 different games, same mate, same player, 7 moves.
This mate in 13 is funny: Game 4006160 not because the mate itself but because I didn't realise it was mate. Quote of my message on the last move: "Could've better played Be6 I think... this loses your Queen (as far as I can see now)"
After that I saw that he resigned. Or I thought he did. Turns out it was a mate.
Originally posted by schakuhr😴
We have a winnar, all 1 movers:
Game 4017425
Game 4017428
Game 4017431
From UChess
[Event "uChess rated"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2007.9.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "LowlyPawn"]
[Black "thinkingaboutit"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. d2-d4 g7-g6 2. c2-c4 Bf8-g7 3. Nb1-c3 d7-d6 4. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 5. Bc1-f4 Ng8-f6 6. e2-e3 O-O 7. h2-h3 Rf8-e8 8. Bf1-e2 Nf6-h5 9. Bf4-h2 e7-e5 10. d4xe5 d6xe5 11. Qd1xd8 Re8xd8 12. O-O Bc8-e6 13. Rf1-d1 Rd8-d6 14. Rd1xd6 c7xd6 15. Ra1-d1 Ra8-d8 16. Nc3-e4 Bg7-f8 17. Nf3-g5 Nh5-g7 18. Ne4-f6 Kg8-h8 19. Be2-g4 Be6xg4 20. Ng5xf7 1-0
Originally posted by BLReidDid you win it?
From UChess
[Event "uChess rated"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2007.9.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "LowlyPawn"]
[Black "thinkingaboutit"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. d2-d4 g7-g6 2. c2-c4 Bf8-g7 3. Nb1-c3 d7-d6 4. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 5. Bc1-f4 Ng8-f6 6. e2-e3 O-O 7. h2-h3 Rf8-e8 8. Bf1-e2 Nf6-h5 9. Bf4-h2 e7-e5 10. d4xe5 d6xe5 11. Qd1xd8 Re8xd8 12. O-O Bc8-e6 13. Rf ...[text shortened]... f7 1-0
[fen]3r1b1k/pp3Nnp/2np1Np1/4p3/2P3b1/4P2P/PP3PPB/3R2K1 b - - 1 20[/fen]
Game 3924307
A nice little win, playing as black, in under 20 moves, with a little used a5 and h5 opening.
Edit : yes I know its not checkmate, but as good as 😛
Originally posted by adramforallI like the fact that your opponent has a higher rating then you do
Game 3924307
A nice little win, playing as black, in under 20 moves, with a little used a5 and h5 opening.
Edit : yes I know its not checkmate, but as good as 😛
Interesting opening
Ooo I actually have one
One in 11 moves, nothing spectacular just an opponent not spotting the woods for the trees.
Game 4084385