Originally posted by notmyrookplease8... e4 with idea of Bg4 f3 Bxf3 and you can easily close in on mate after chasing his queen away.
thought i'd add my modest contribution - any comments are welcome
Game 4122533
just faster, that's all
Originally posted by orangutanYou could have done it 1 move earlier.
Queen sac to a smother finish. Right on 20.
Game 3249837
Played this on board 4 for my school yesterday, and it's brilliant under 20 move mate with a queen sac!
1. Nf3 D5
2. E4 Bg4
3. ED QxD5
4. Be2 Nc6
5. Nc3 Qd7
6. D4 Bxf3
7. Bxf3 0-0-0
8. D5 Ne5
9. Bf4 Ng6
10. Bg4 e6
11. DE Qe7
12. Qxd8+! Kxd8
13. 0-0-0+ Ke8
14. Nd5 Qc5
15. Nxc7+ Ke7
16. Rd7+ Kf6
17. Nd5+ QxN
18. Rxf7#
Originally posted by doodinthemoodNo offense, but your Queen sac isn't decisive. After:
Played this on board 4 for my school yesterday, and it's brilliant under 20 move mate with a queen sac!
1. Nf3 D5
2. E4 Bg4
3. ED QxD5
4. Be2 Nc6
5. Nc3 Qd7
6. D4 Bxf3
7. Bxf3 0-0-0
8. D5 Ne5
9. Bf4 Ng6
10. Bg4 e6
11. DE Qe7
12. Qxd8+! Kxd8
13. 0-0-0+ Ke8
14. Nd5 Qc5
15. Nxc7+ Ke7
16. Rd7+ Kf6
17. Nd5+ QxN
18. Rxf7#
13. O-O-O+ Ke8
14. Nd5 Nxf4
15. Nxe7 Bxe7
16. exf7+ Kxf7
... the game stands about even, though white might have the better of it due to the 2 rooks, open files, and better development. It's not clear though IMO.
Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschexyeah
does this one count - it is dead on 20
Game 4145570
Originally posted by protoss350Love that trap. The blackburne-shilling trap was it called. Anyway, I love playing that OTB. XDDDD
Game 1783547