Game 4156710
my quickest win ..
and this one.. the simplest move if often the best .. Game 4145553
Game 3275709
Well a tiny bit over 20 but!:
Blacks loss is very instructive.
Another favorite trap:
Game 2979879
Originally posted by Grintziyou could have played a3 on move 4
Game 4156710
my quickest win ..
and this one.. the simplest move if often the best .. Game 4145553
Lol just played this one on the blitz site: [Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2007.11.6"]
[Round "?"]
[White "HurricaneConway125"]
[Black "yankcos"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 3. Nf3xe5 Nf6xe4 4. Qd1-e2 f7-f5 5. d2-d3 Ne4-c5 6. Ne5-c6 Nc5-e6 7. Nc6xd8 Ke8xd8 8. Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 9. Bc1-d2 Ne6-d4 10. Bd2-g5 Bb4-e7 11. Qe2xe7 1-0
I love it when they play the petrov without knowing what to do in it!
Originally posted by RoboknightCould have been mate in 12 if you moved the bishop earlier... Nice game though.
Game 4253394
Here's one I just finished.
Game 4236737
The thing I like the most about this is it's so far from my usual style of playing. It felt really liberating just going for it. Now back to playing for position...
Game 4276977
Black doesn't respond to the threat of a fork trying to gain material then doesn't respond to the threat of checkmate trying to gain a queen. 9. Qxf7#