An unusual opening...
Game 1634860
A nasty surpise
Game 1843291
Just plain unbelievable look at opponents rating as well 🙂
Game 853210
iust plain unbelievable look at opponents rating as well 🙂You had mate before Qh3 as well. Amazing a player this highly rated missed mate in 1 once. Very amazing (s)he missed it 2 moves running...
Game 853210[/b]
This might make you feel better if only 1500 odds have been beatenGame 3499646
we all can be beaten and have a bad day remember
Originally posted by h4rdriv3Excuse my stupidity but why the resignation here? Qd8 loses material but not enough to warrent resignation in my book.
This might make you feel better if only 1500 odds have been beatenGame 3499646
we all can be beaten and have a bad day remember
And I can't see the mate in under 20 either.
I seen this topic a while ago and i thought all the games i won or lost under 20 moves were due to mistakes but i stumbled upon this one wich i think is pretty much interesting because of the suspense its holding at the end.
Altho its still due to 2 strange moves i believe. 7b - Fxe4 and 15b - e4
Game 3151163
From back when I first got going on the site last fall. 19 moves with mate next, so I think it just makes it under the wire. Mate sort of fell out of initially trapping the Q:
Game 2862469