Originally posted by griffpusherThat's not a smothered mate.
Here is another in under 20 that I am proud of... Love the smothered mates! This mate could of been avoided and I'm pretty shocked that someone rated above 1500 went to the one square they shouldn't have. That's why they call them blunders right?
Game 4772683
[fen]r1bk1r2/ppp3p1/3p3p/8/4P3/1B1P1nP1/PPP1Nn2/R1BK3R w - - 6 18[/fen]
Originally posted by griffpusherIt's called Legall's mate I believe.
I really enjoy this one... They have a name for it I think? Not sure but check it out! The sacrifice of our Queen Lady can be deadly!Game 4719958
[fen]r2q1bnr/ppp1kBpp/3p4/3NN3/3nP3/8/PPP2PPP/R1BbK2R b KQ - 2 8[/fen]
After Rf2 and and Qg3 I'm pretty sure I have mate under 20. If it turns out I'm wrong please tell me and I apologize for putting it in this thread if it is over is over 20 moves.
Game 4836324
Originally posted by yosimanWhite is still kicking after 15. Bb5+ c6 16. Rxf3
After Rf2 and and Qg3 I'm pretty sure I have mate under 20. If it turns out I'm wrong please tell me and I apologize for putting it in this thread if it is over is over 20 moves.
Game 4836324
(remember to watch for check moves that interrupt a seemingly forced combination!)
Originally posted by yosimanRemember, however, in the future, that in that particular position, Bxf7+ and following knight-check to open your queen's line to the bishop doesn't work when black can just (after Ng5+) 6...Qxg5 and your own queen is still under attack...
Well, at least this one is under 20 moves.
Game 4684242