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CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

Only Chess

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Game 1399054

Despite howling mistakes - a victory I scarcely deserved.

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http://www.redhotpawn.com/core/playchess.php?gameid=1419873Game 1419873

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Game 1421501

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Game 1377372 - 8 moves (8 pairs)

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Originally posted by zwu
Game 1377372 - 8 moves (8 pairs)
Ooh, Legall's Mate. been awhile since I've seen one of those. But did you notice that he could have won a piece with 5...Nxe5 rather than throw himself over a cliff with Bxd1?

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Game 1016856
A well know type of mate, but with several sacrifices and I think they were correct, too!

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Originally posted by jfkjmh
Game 1016856
A well know type of mate, but with several sacrifices and I think they were correct, too!
Very pretty! You almost never see that sort of a smothered mate (forced by the queen) out in the middle of the board like that.

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Well, i've played this guy (themole) 3 times and i know he would have fell for it so i took a gamble

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Just recently completed. A Classic Bishop Sacrifice.

Game 1421602

Unfortunately I'm a piece down for no compensation in our other game.

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Game 1080561

My very first RHP game

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Originally posted by Natural Science
Just recently completed. A Classic Bishop Sacrifice.

Game 1421602

Unfortunately I'm a piece down for no compensation in our other game.
What if he simply refuses the sacrifice? Or moves the king to g6 instead of g8?

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Originally posted by abejnood
What if he simply refuses the sacrifice? Or moves the king to g6 instead of g8?
If he refuses the sac then he gets a free pawn. And if he moves to g6 the knight can go Ne6 or Nxf7+ winning the queen and a pawn. So, yeah.

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Originally posted by GalaxyShield
If he refuses the sac then he gets a free pawn. And if he moves to g6 the knight can go Ne6 or Nxf7+ winning the queen and a pawn. So, yeah.
I assume you mean I could go Ne6 after Qg4. The problem is it doesn't quite work here, because he just plays 15...f5. Now if I don't take and simply move my queen, he can move his queen to e7 and I have no useful discoveries and my attack is pretty much at an end. If I take en passant, he recaptures with the knight so I still don't have time to play the discovered check and win his queen. Recapturing with the queen seems to work also.

However, I did find a line that I think wins. After 14...Kg6, I play 15. h4 Ra8 16.Qd3+ f5 17.g4 Ne7 18.h5+ and he either loses his queen to a discovered check, or he takes on h5 and ends of getting mated. Playing 17....Qf8 instead of Ne7 leads to the same outcome. Like I said, I'm pretty sure this wins in all lines.

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