Originally posted by zakkwylderWhat the hell was he thinking with Ne4c5???😕
Game 1470461
It'd be nice of the rest of the competition is this easy.
Almost makes me think about challenging him to a game lol
Originally posted by MCAI don't know. I have found that if you setup positions like this where you move to position yourself for mate, the opponent doesn't see it for they are focusing on the piece you're attacking(I.E. Qd1d5), not that you're about to win.
What the hell was he thinking with Ne4c5???😕
Almost makes me think about challenging him to a game lol
Game 1480521
After move 13, black spends too much time giving chase to the white queen instead of reinforcing the crushed kingside. This game could have possibly been salvaged, if not extended.
Originally posted by zakkwylderNot quite as easy, yet still under 20. I wonder what he was thinking.
It'd be nice of the rest of the competition is this easy.
Game 1470455
Ooh, here's one:
Game 590135
Kind of an ironic nickname, since his sense of danger never really did kick in.
This is for one of my favorite fast-moving opponents. A little payback for that Damiano's trap you caught me with, ever so long ago...
Game 1502164
You can debate my claims to this one being here. I'm submitting it on the grounds that a win became inevitable in well under 20 moves, regardless of how long it could be procrastinated (he gave up at 18).
Game 1393528
To be fair I should note I'm having the pants thrashed off me in the return leg.
The Petrov's got a reputation for being drawish, but that only applies to GMs. If not played against properly, it can set up some interesting opportunities, like here:
Game 1201514
Its from another site, but if anyone cares to play this out, its quite funny how my opponent throws this away.
I'm white
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 Bd6 4. d4 Nc6 5. d5 Ne7 6. Bg5 Ng4 7. Nh4 f6 8. Qxg4 fxg5 9. Qxg5 g6 10. Qf6 Rf8 11. Qg7 Rf7 12. Qh8+ Rf8 13. Qxh7 c5 14. dxc6 dxc6 15. Nxg6 Rf7 16. Qh8+ Kd7 17. Nxe5+ Bxe5 18. Qxe5 Ng6 19. Rd1#
Game 1495778
1 blunder made all the difference 🙂
Edit: definate checkmate in 1 move