10. ... Be6
An attacking defense against Nxf6. If Nxf6 is played, my bisshop on e6 will threathen your bisshop on c4, and after the exchange on g5, your bisshop on g5 will also be under attack. However, this comes at a cost since my kingside pawn protection will be gone. But... we show no fear... 🙂 If the bisshop on c4 would be brought to safety first, I will do an exchange on d5.
Thanks for the welcome! ^_^;
Okay...I will refrain from giving advice from the future.
7. dxe5!? seems much better because 7. Nbd2 loses material. Also, the queen swap is not so pointless as later on after all the swaps, White can gain material, space and time. To explain, here's my continuation of my earlier line: 10...gxf6 11. Bxf7! Here white wins a pawn and his active bishop is dangerous to Black. Also, with tthe queen swap though...Black loses the ability to castle.
8. cxd4!?...It feels as if White commands more of the center of the board in the line...also it feels as if White has a slight advantage in initiative. The queen check in my line (10. Qa4+) prevents castling as well.
You suggested 10...Bd7 as the response to the check...blocking and counterattacking is excellent but if you played it from there: 11. Bxf7+! Kxf7 12. Qxd4 Rf8 13. Rc1...is there any question who is winning if not only slightly?
Thanks! ^__^;;
11 Nxf6
Game 632841
I missed that move! But I think that Bh6 attacking f8-R prevents the trade, and White should still be able to get to safety. So continuing the plan...
11. ... gxf6
Damn, that's the move I missed... Anyway, since I am in check now, I have to do something about that knight. Retreating is no option since I would be a knight behind then. So an exchange on f6 is still the best option. If you would move your bisshop to h6, I'll play Re8, giving my bisshop extra protection, and causing a threat for your e-pawn, (and afterwards your king) if I should move my bisshop.
12 Bh6
Game 632841
The idea here is to buy time for my light bishop, or to win the exchange. This seems a little risky though.
12. ... Re8
Bxc4 would prevent white from castling king's side, but I must protect my rook first, and will play Re8. In his next move white will probably protect his bisshop either by b3 or Rc1. I have to watch out for my king. His position is now very dangerous, since a queen at g7 would put me mate. I have to find a way to get rid of the bishop at h6.
13 b3
Game 632841
I don't want to initiate a trade of bishops, as that allows Black to repair its pawn structure, and create a flight square on f7.
Qb3: protects my bishop, and threatens Qg3 later, but is subject to ...Na5 ( , Qc3...NxBc4, Nd4...*, Qg3)
b3: seems safe
Rc1: seems a little riskier, though I'm not sure
What do readers think of my game 608674 just completed? Observers used to shower the board with gold coins after seeing such a display! Well, enough with the hyperbole, but one should get enjoyment out of going over this delightful 42 move game! Notice how Black, two pawns down at mid-game, finds the right plan. The Black Queen dominates the board using the black diagonals b8 - a2 and h8 -a1, and the remaining Black Rook harnesses the White Queen to the White's first rank, and these two forces, along with the ever ready Black Knight and five remaining pawns cooperate to corner the White King and deliver a smother mate, of the best kind. How do I submit this gem for consideration for The 'Game of The Month'?
13. ... f5
I am a bit out of inspiration here. Your bisshop on h6 makes me feel uncomfortable, since it locks in my king. Playing f5 seems the best solution. This way, I'll make room for my queen. Moreover, when you capture my pawn, I'll recapture it with my bisshop and the e-file will open. The pawn at f7 will be weak and only protected by the king, so I'll have to be cautious about that.
14 0-0
Game 632841
I like your move, and I don't want to trade that pawn. I'm having trouble sorting out when to castle. My dark bishop is valuable where it is, and I see no chance of it getting trapped.
0-0: the usual benefits. It seems that this is required now unless a forcing sequence can be found.
Ng5: attacks your light bishop, forces a trade or retreat, and gets the knight out of attack in case of fxe4. However, it would be easy for my King to get caught out. (And Bxc4 looks bad for White due to Black's e8-Rook.)
Qd3: supports the bishop and pawn, but can be chased away with Nb4.
exf4: loses my bishop and probably the game
e5: probably leads to a loss of my pawn and a Q trade.
Originally posted by zucchiniBh6 was not good. Black should have replied with Bxc4 and have at least two pieces for the rook (if Bxf8).
[b]11 Nxf6
Game 632841
I missed that move! But I think that Bh6 attacking f8-R prevents the trade, and White should still be able to get to safety. So continuing the plan...
Instead, white could have tried 12.Bxe6 and then retreated the white bishop (if fxg5) or followed with Bh6 (if fxe6). He would still be a pawn down, but have some compensation in black's exposed king.
14. ... Qf6
Bringing my queen into action. She is threatening your bisshop, so that will have be defended (Qd2 ?), or will have to retreat. Too bad that a1 rook is decently defended: I would have had a nice fork otherwise. I consider fxe4 a little too early since it will only create more space for an attack on my king. I am currently struggling a bit. My pieces are badly placed, blocking each other, and pointing nowhere or attacking useless spots...
15 Bg5
Game 632841
[before the move]
White's dark bishop is en prise, and must be protected or moved. I think this bishop is particularly strong, as together with the Q as backup it controls a lot of dark squares. I would like to find a way to take Black's dark bishop. Black's only undefended piece is its Q. The Silman space count is: white=13. black=13
Bg5: attacks the Q while holding onto the c1-h6 diagonal. White must also be careful not to hang the dark bishop in case of fxe4 attacking its knight.
Qd2: protects the h6-Bishop. But ...Ba5 chases it to a new square After playing both of these lines through, I cannot find any further advantage or disadvantage.
15. ... Qg6
My queen is being attacked by your bisshop, so I have to bring her to safety. Qg6 seems the best move, since it gives the possibility for a later attack on g2 in combination with the light bisshop (if no exchange on e6 would take place in the meantime). However, to be able to attack g2, I have to get rid of white's dark bisshop. Therfore, I can play fxe4 in my next move to attack the bisshop's defender.
16 exf5
Game 632841
Loose pieces: White=e4; Black=b7
I see significant weaknesses on Black's dark squares around the King. White's f4-knight may be attacked any time, leaving the bishop hanging. I would like to trade pawns now to prevent this, and this trade also saves a tempo. The e-file is about to open up.