Originally posted by robbie carrobiei'll stay if it transposed but I already know enough about the French and that's why I don't like it.
look man, just play the game, the Frenchies will probably get outvoted anyway, that's what happened in our game against RHP international, we voted 1.e6 but others voted 1.e5, big deal we learn something about the way others play. you're a good man in a fight dude, so what you say?
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficswhat happens is that we have an analysis thread, where the greater consensus takes place and we can see others ideas, this generaly avoids people voting for blunders.
Perhaps, later if someone suggests an outright blunder we can ask them to vote on a different move. Another possibility is to analyse the position as a group before we start voting. This is really open to ideas.