Originally posted by arrakisI do the same in Fritz and Arena--with one key difference: the players are not different personalities (one engine tweaked several ways to play weaker than its capability), but differnet engines playing at full strength. I have at least 64 engines.
I enjoy starting up a tournament (say, Swiss system, 5 rounds) and using the different personalities in the program for each player. In my opinion, this is about as much fun as it can get with a chess program. You even get to watch the games between the other players, just as if you were at a real tournament.
If Chessmaster offered UCI and Winboard capability, it could be used the way I use Fritz and Arena.
Originally posted by TheBloopI haven't read past page 1 of the thread, so apologies if this problem has been solved.
yeah, I knew that running both program interfaces at the same time would probably affect the performance of one engine more than the other.
My problem is, I'd love to have DF8 play against CM 10th, but I don't know how to set up one ...[text shortened]... runs CMaster.
Is it possible/easy to import the King into DF 8?
Just let each engine run for a set period of time and then make the moves yourself.
[EDIT] I've never tried it, but it seems reasonable.
Work goes on attempting to solve the knotty problems inherent in setting up matches between Chessmaster and the other leading chess engines.
Here's a link with some of the most recent information:
At that site you can find a database of 410 games in with the following results:
3. Opponents
AnMon 5.30 22/30 +14 30 games
Tao 5.6 19.5/30 +9 30 games
SOS 4 for Arena 18.5/30 +7 30 games
Pro Deo 1.0 17/30 +4 30 games
Aristarch 4.50 17/30 +4 30 games
Ruffian 2.1.0 15.5/30 +1 30 games
Hiarcs 9 15/30 +0 30 games
Chess Tiger 15.0 14.5/30 -1 30 games
List 512 14.5/30 -1 30 games
Hiarcs8 Bareev 13/30 -4 30 games
Fritz 8 12/30 -6 30 games
Junior 8 12/30 -6 30 games
Shredder 8 9.5/30 -11 30 games
Little Goliath Revival 9/10 +8 10 games
Pharaon 2.62 8.5/10 +7 10 games
As you can see, CM's results against Fritz, Junior, and Shredder are abyssmal, but it does well against the other engines: only -1 against Aristarch, for example, and an even score with Hiarcs 9.
Originally posted by ZaBlancOriginally posted by TheBloop
What the hell are you talking about? :-)
Speaking of other software against Chessmaster, I have played DF 8 against CM 10th. CM 10th won both games, playing both black and white...that was a while ago, and I don't rememer what time controls I used. Both interfaces were open on the same computer (2.53 GHz).
I recently played "Der Bringer" against CM 10th, using 5 sec/move, with Der Bringer playing white (again, just having both interfaces open on the same PC). Der Bringer won this game, while playing white I was totally shocked.
I then played Bringer vs CM10th again, but with 10 sec per move, CM playing black. CM10th ended up totally crushing poor Der Bringer.
Der Bringer seems to be a pretty good progarm, and it's a free download. Anyone else have it?
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