One of my all time favorites:
"Discovered check is the dive-bomber of the chessboard." - Fine
I find the differences here quite telling:
"Chess is life." - Bobby Fischer
"Chess is like life." - Boris Spassky
Here again:
"Chess is 99 percent tactics." - Teichmann
"Chess is really 99 percent calculation." - Soltis
No surprises here in the quote or the authors:
"The Passed Pawn is a criminal, who should be kept under lock and key. Mild measures, such as police surveillance, are not sufficient". - Nimzovich
"A Passed Pawn increases in strength as the number of pieces on the board diminishes." - Capablanca
When people ask me about thought analysis I often quote:
"Half the variations which are calculated in a tournament game turn out to be completely superfluous. Unfortunately, no one knows in advance which half." - Jan Timman
I think this quote fits the candor of this thread:
"When the chess game is over, the pawn and the king go back to the same box." - Irish saying contributed by Etienne Goldstein
Originally posted by ChessPraxisHall #400 Second Shift Incident Report
"A good player is always lucky." - J.R. Capablanca
Mrs. Jones, Glenda Beasley's octogenarian mother in patient room 405-A, fell out of bed shortly after dinner this evening. Red ambulance responded with two hotshot paramedics strutting about with their usual almost impressive flair. Initial hospital emergency room report was typically terse: "Initial X-rays reveal left leg fracture. Surgery probably contraindicated. New patient body audit performed. Details tomorrow following further examination by Doctor Russel." According to her attractive daughter, Glenda, Mrs. Jones was still in considerable pain, even though she no longer has any interest in forums or correspondence chess games in progress. Grave Shift Note to File: "10:28 PM: Stronger pain meds administered. Mrs. Jones now resting comfortably". ~Nurse Ratched
The post that was quoted here has been removedLol, Hi Dutchess, its not clear what Lennon was referring to. It could for example have
been, lets say, the Battle of Agincourt? One must give Lennon the benefit of the doubt,
me thinks, although it is certainly within reason that he was merely expressing a type
of parochial thinking. The terms are also muddied by the fact that many times an
English army marched into Scotland they contained many other elements, such as
Welsh archers and Irish infantry units.
The post that was quoted here has been removedAlistair Horne's book _The Fall of Paris, that sounds great. I recently read a fascinating
account of the fall of Constantinople, why its not been made into an epic film, i dunno.
The author also had some pictures which detailed the account, the great chain that
once crossed the Bosphorus could still be seen in some of them, lying around parts of
the city!
Originally posted by greenpawn34One misquote about Napoleon and greenpawn will mention Hitler...
One miss-quote from Larsen and now this....
This is why we should stick to chess here.
"If players drift off chess in a chess forum then within five posts Hitler is mentioned."
greenpawn October 2011.
Diophantus, October 2011
Originally posted by ChessPraxisSee my earlier Elo quote for the reliability of chess ratings. Elo also supposedly said "If I had known how much trouble I would cause I would have stuck to physics".
My dislike of the French military is from personal experience, and for someone who's never seen the Simpsons to call me ignorant is an oxymoron.
You assume much, yet you know little for a 2000+ player.
The post that was quoted here has been removedI am well enough informed about history but this is not the place for serious historical debate. A daft, rather silly debate maybe.
Just to keep this vaguely on topic, a quote from Tartakower that greenpawn may appreciate: "Any opening is good enough, if its reputation is bad enough."
Originally posted by DiophantusApologies for contributing to one of the most random off-topic excursions, it was all meant tongue-in-cheek. I rarely do serious discussion on this forum...
One misquote about Napoleon and greenpawn will mention Hitler...
Diophantus, October 2011
To clarify the quote for those who are not familiar with The Simpsons, the phrase "Cheese eating surrender monkeys" was used about the French in the program shortly after the French vetoed the invasion of Iraq. About the same time that French Fries became Freedom Fries.
Another quote, not necessarily about chess but it applies just as well to the beautiful game as any other aspect of life:
"Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" (Buddhist Serenity Prayer)
Originally posted by ChessPraxisThanks.
One of my all time favorites:
"Discovered check is the dive-bomber of the chessboard." - Fine
I find the differences here quite telling:
"Chess is life." - Bobby Fischer
"Chess is like life." - Boris Spassky
Here again:
"Chess is 99 percent tactics." - Teichmann
"Chess is really 99 percent calculation." - Soltis
No surprises here in t ...[text shortened]... king go back to the same box." - Irish saying contributed by Etienne Goldstein
Often chess games are noted up by the winner and sometimes they give
a lop-sided view of things. Not in a serious effort to decieve but to perhaps
hide the fact they never saw it all and it was inuition, a trap or a slice of luck.
(the word 'luck' and 'trap' are dirty words and some players have their heads
so far up their ass they think they are beyond stooping to such levels.)
The history of warefare is also written by the winners who tend to miss out
key moments or don't go into any great details if it shows them in a bad light.
The treatment of the British sailors after the Spanish Armada is a prime example.
They kept the British ships out at sea knowing that many would die of disease
(and they did) so they would not have to pay them.
400 were killed in the sea battles. Approx 6,000 died of typhus and dysentery
after the Armada had been defeated. They don't mention that in the classroom.
'Day in the Life'
Lennon played a minor role in a war film. 'How I Won The War.' and it is
possible the 'English Army' is a ref to that.
(to make it look authentic they gave him a pair WWII army issue glasses.
He loved them and had a set of Lennon trademark round specs made up.)
The song was written late 1966 early 1967 and could have been a ref to England
winning the World Cup in '66 when for 4 three weeks the Beatles stop filling
the headlines and football took over.
It could be as simple as this:
The phrase 'English Army' rolls better than 'British Army'.
Or even simplier.
It was the first word he thought of. You can see the original lyrics in John's
handwriting here. (it was sold for over $1 Million.)