More analysis:
14...Qb4+ 15.Qc3 Qxc3+ 16.bxc3 Ke7 17.Nc5 Nxc5 18.dxc5 Nf6 19.Rb4 b6 20.c5xb6 etc. appearing to lose both the a and b pawns. Running thru diff. variations white can also Ne5 and Q-side castle!
To Dynamic09's analysis:
Qe7! and not Qb4. I wouldn't go for a queen trade here. My preferred line is Qe7 O-O-O, Ngf6 Nxf6, gxf6. Lets take it till there for now. Goodluck!
More analysis: Qe7 Qa3, Qxa3 bxa3 leads to equality. So after Qe7, whites best try is a queenside castle.
there is one more possiblity for white (aside from 0-0-0 or Qa3) Qb3.
What about Qb4+ Qc3 Pc5..... Yes I see it looks like you give up a pawn for free but here is how I see it
...... Qb4+
Qc3 Pc5
Pxc5 QxQ
bxQ Ke7 and you will be able to get the pawn the next move or so or
...... Qb4+
Qc3 Pc5
Nxc5 QxQ
bxQ Nxc5
Pxc5 Rc8 I don't think he can hold onto the pawn
Please tell me what you think
Originally posted by SamdoggIf he was to play Qc3 for the queen exchange, I think he'd just play Qxb4 instead of faffing about capturing the pawn.
What about Qb4+ Qc3 Pc5..... Yes I see it looks like you give up a pawn for free but here is how I see it
...... Qb4+
Qc3 Pc5
Pxc5 QxQ
bxQ Ke7 and you will be able to get the pawn the next move or so or
...... Qb4+
Qc3 Pc5
Nxc5 QxQ
bxQ Nxc5
Pxc5 Rc8 I don't think he can hold onto the pawn
Please tell me what you think
After 14 ...Qb4+ 15. Qc3 c5 16. Qxb4+ cxb4 17. Nd6+
we still lose the b pawn and probably give him a passed pawn.
xs, that's some nice analysis. You posted:
"14...Qb4+ 15.Qc3 Qxc3+ 16.bxc3 Ke7 17.Nc5 Nxc5 18.dxc5 Nf6 19.Rb4 b6 20.c5xb6 etc. appearing to lose both the a and b pawns. Running thru diff. variations white can also Ne5 and Q-side castle! "
There are different ways of defending the b pawn, like: 18 ...Rc8. True, we'll probably still go down a pawn or two, but we've got a free pawn at h5, and if we can exchange the rooks, then we should be able to pick off at least another couple of pawns from the tripled pawns. Our king side pawns would still be perfectly intact.
It looks like a more interesting game than the defensive 14 ...Qe7.
It seems like both lines are equally playable, and its just down to personal preferance.
Originally posted by SiskinGame 868388
We're still in known territory. 15. ... Ngf6 is the book move.
Chesslive has 44 games at this position, 35 of which black plays 15 ...Ngf6. 10 wins for white, 5 for black and 29 draws. Of the other 9 games, all of them were 15 ...O-O-O. 4 white, 2 black and 3 draws.
Personally, I prefer the 15 ...Ngf6 option.