Originally posted by jebrydzaginthere is a rule at rhp not to use computers ... a little while back there was some fuss because some people thought ironman was using computers ... people investigated and found that a very very good human player was behind the moves of ironman.
Do you plan to move sometime or talk about moving indefinitely? Is Iron man a GM or a computer? I am relatively new to RHP.
I still prefer Nxf6. I've got a bad feeling about White playing Pd5 at the opportune moment. His rooks and Queen would then be ideally situated to quickly shift the attack to either of the flanks. I could be wrong but I think that Pawn on d4 may be the ace up his sleeve. It might also mean nothing, but notice that every one of White's pieces are focused on that little pawn.
Originally posted by VengoropatubusVengoropatubus: I don't see your point. After Nxf6 the rook can't immidiatly take over the g file. If you take with the g pawn then yes you can take over the file for the moment. But what if he decides he wants it more. Here's how I see the main line going
Samdogg: It doesn't mess with castling. I believe I've already outlined why the kingside castle is impossible. If we do take with the pawn, we will have doubled pawns but we can also take the newly opened g-file. Hopefully at least.
...... Pxf6
Rg1 Rg8
Qe3 You can't protect pawn on h6 and keep the g file at the same time without hurting your position.
Game 868388
Move 16 vote open here...
Candidates are
16 ...Nxf6
16 ...gxf6
16 ...Qxf6
Kf8 for me!!!!!11one+shift
seriously, as was said it is a matter of personal preference...
my personal preference would be gxf6
normally i would say Nxf6 but im sure ironman has us beat if we play normally. gxf6 gives a strong pawn duo, a strong g file, and discoordinates whites pieces.
so my vote is gxf6
Originally posted by shinobi777You need to cast your vote in the other thread...
Kf8 for me!!!!!11one+shift
seriously, as was said it is a matter of personal preference...
my personal preference would be gxf6
normally i would say Nxf6 but im sure ironman has us beat if we play normally. gxf6 gives a strong pawn duo, a strong g file, and discoordinates whites pieces.
so my vote is gxf6
we played 16 ... Nxf6, ironman has played 17 Ne5
Game 868388
please discuss your reasons when suggesting a move for us to consider 🙂
Originally posted by flexmorecastling seems the best now, bringing our king into safety. I'd say 17. ...O-O-O , because white can't easily start an attack on the queenside.
we played 16 ... Nxf6, ironman has played 17 Ne5
Game 868388
[fen]r3k2r/pp2qpp1/2p1pn1p/4N2P/3P3R/3Q4/PPP2PP1/2KR4 b qk - 1 17[/fen]
please discuss your reasons when suggesting a move for us to consider 🙂
17 ... 0-0-0 looks best to me, it starts to power up our half open d file, it gets our king away from that knight and onto the same side as ironman's king ... our e, f and g pawns are going to be awkward ... our rooks are trapped by them.
i see 17 ... 0-0 as a much more agressive option, also worth discussing ... our king gives our weakest pawns strength ... i would play it against an opponent 400 rating points below me ... but much like a drunk at midnight outside the pub swinging blindly.
i feel our e, f and g pawns are the key ... we need to work out how to either hold them tight - or better: set them free.