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IronMan31 V Rest of RHP

IronMan31 V Rest of RHP

Only Chess

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Originally posted by flexmore
... our e, f and g pawns are going to be awkward ... our rooks are trapped by them.
perhaps you should have voted for gxf6 last move😀

O-O looks too risky, Ironman's pieces are well positioned for a kingside attack, which we would have to worry about before every move we make ... or he can just lauch a kingside pawnstorm ... a simple but often effective attacking strategy
Our position may be defendable, but even if it is, it will be hard work

If we don't castle at all, our king may or may not be safe in the centre, but it's not really an option anyway, unless anyone can come up with a good way to activate our h8 rook, otherwise we'll be playing effectively a rook down , which can't be a good idea.

so it looks to me like O-O-O

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Black needs to pull a Rock out now.

I would suggest we hide the King behind his own Rock. White will be so busy looking for him, he may neglect his own King.

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what the hell is a nice piece like a rook doing on h4 defending a pawn i the move it was supporting the bishop, rooks have much more importent jobs to do than defending pawns.. I think the game is lost to white.. and dont even want to add my 5p worth 😀

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ahh sorry were black.. target that rook.. and that advance pawn its defending 😀 hehe

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black needs to castle, is a hard decision to go either king or queen side looks to me like white is going to pawnstorm his king side pawns so will be little risky castling kingside.. but also would be nice to pawn storm our queenside pawns.. that I can imagine is the only way to break down whites defenses..you decide.. I definitely predict a minority attack from whites king side. unless he keeps playing posistional/tatical game.. I figured it out.. castle queenside and start a majority attack on the king side.. that H5 pawn is threatening en passant thats why he advanced it to there.. start king side attack and try to promote a pawn

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I think you need to have a little lie down for a while, CenterNut.

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hehe yes i been on the computer all day.. could of made one post only.. my point though on post before this one.. is the game is unbalanced.. and will be a good plan to take advantage of that unbalance..

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0-0-0 looks disastrous to me, 0-0 is not much better 🙁

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Originally posted by CenterNut
hehe yes i been on the computer all day.. could of made one post only.. my point though on post before this one.. is the game is unbalanced.. and will be a good plan to take advantage of that unbalance..
Prove it!

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hehehe.. take alook at the board.. theres 4 pawns on king side vs 3 pawns.

if white plays a minority attack and wins I will laugh my pants off 🙂)

im new here is jimslyp69 the troll?

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Enough of the swinging, Doctor Who-ing avatars...!

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Originally posted by CenterNut
hehehe.. take alook at the board.. theres 4 pawns on king side vs 3 pawns.

if white plays a minority attack and wins I will laugh my pants off 🙂)

im new here is jimslyp69 the troll?
If i am, it has not been proven yet. What is is a troll anyway? Does it live under the bridge like dem chillii peppers mon?

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Originally posted by Bowmann

Enough of the swinging, Doctor Who-ing avatars...!
Sorry, I have an unnatural obsession with the afore mentioned. I can only get worse.

EDIT: and i have just found a web site full o dem. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
If i am, it has not been proven yet. What is is a troll anyway? Does it live under the bridge like dem chillii peppers mon?

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