Originally posted by Steelman31thats fine if the board is clear.. but if theres pawns and other pieces blocking squares then it becomes a different matter..
Rooks do not have more cover in the center. Do a simple exercise. But a rook on a1, count the squares it covers, next, put a rook on e5, count the squares it covers, the a1 rook will cover more.
Originally posted by Steelman31the way i see it:
Rooks do not have more cover in the center. Do a simple exercise. But a rook on a1, count the squares it covers, next, put a rook on e5, count the squares it covers, the a1 rook will cover more.
if the board is totally clear then the rook always covers the same number of squares.
I will have to agree to Black's Nd7. Although, White still has the space advantage. Black should keep an eye on the pawns at e5 and h5; they can be targets later if he is successful in neutralizing White's Queen-Rook formation. Black must remember to protect a7-h7 rank in case White tries something like placing Rh4-d4. White's next reply to Nd7 will determine how the game will proceed.
My tuppence is for 0-0-0
I think our knight is a strong piece. Nd7 tempos his rook onto a better square.
This is first thooughts only having read through the thread. I have not analysed the position in detail
Obviously I am not a stroong player and am getting back into chess after a 15 year layoff and loving RHP!
Originally posted by krpvksprvI still don't see how black will win after 18. ...Nd7 19.Rf4 Nxe5 20. dxe5 O-O 21. Qg3. I think this is much too risky. I stay with my O-O-O .
I will have to agree to Black's Nd7. Although, White still has the space advantage. Black should keep an eye on the pawns at e5 and h5; they can be targets later if he is successful in neutralizing White's Queen-Rook formation. Black mu ...[text shortened]... te's next reply to Nd7 will determine how the game will proceed.
Originally posted by schakuhrI still agree with O-O-O. Leave the Black knight and Queen alone, they're doing just fine exactly where they are and moving them weakens their position. Bring the rooks into play with castling long.
I still don't see how black will win after 18. ...Nd7 19.Rf4 Nxe5 20. dxe5 O-O 21. Qg3. I think this is much too risky. I stay with my O-O-O .
I thought we're not suppose to expose the complete details that's why I said White's next move will determine the progress of this game. What I see after 21. Qg3 is 21...f6 (not 21...f5?; 22. Rg6! with a strong attack of the e6 pawn via Rd6 and Qb3); 22. Rg6-fe5!; 23. Rh6 - Rf5. I think Black is OK. I did not say there is a win, but this is about playing steadily with sufficient counterplay at this point. Black started with a Carro-Kann so expect to stay on the defensive side for awhile until opportunity arises. If White over-extends itself, then maybe. Let's try to focus to on the pawn formation so we can ponder if it is time to exchange the major pieces.
Originally posted by buffalobillO-O-O my vote too then RH8F8 forces the rook to defend a pawn.. and if we get chance double the rooks on the half open file..
I still agree with O-O-O. Leave the Black knight and Queen alone, they're doing just fine exactly where they are and moving them weakens their position. Bring the rooks into play with castling long.
Me too BBill. castling long develops our counterplay on the d file. Pressure on the d pawn seems a good strategic plan. An exchange on e5 opens the d file (one of whites current positional flaws) and traps our kings rook out of the game, and we are going to have a hard job defending our g pawn from whites active queen and rooks.
Originally posted by the jitty slitterglad you two agree with me.. I already said this though jitty on page 16..
Me too BBill. castling long develops our counterplay on the d file. Pressure on the d pawn seems a good strategic plan. An exchange on e5 opens the d file (one of whites current positional flaws) and traps our kings rook out of th ...[text shortened]... hard job defending our g pawn from whites active queen and rooks.
10 Apr '05 21:06 :: 0 recommendations
you're thinking exactly like me 😉
his D Pawn is his stronghold for his knight
the position:Game 868388
we are black and need to move.
suggestions so far for our 17th move: Nd7, castling kingside, and queenside.
please discuss your reasons when suggesting a move for us to consider 🙂
voting will happen soon in a separate thread.