Originally posted by richjohnsonActually, Nd5 is a excellent move. It opens up a discovered attack on whites rook, and allows for the f pawn to unseat whites Knight and limits whites queens movement. But more importantly it gives black "space".
Has anyone suggested Nd5? It seems like that's a natural spot for the Knight, and keeps the rook off f4. Maybe I'm missing something - is there something wrong with that move?
Originally posted by Ragnorak
The rook to g4 is more dangerous than f4.
As to the "dangerous" rook to f4, I doubt that we will see it after Nd5 as its easily handled by Rg8 or Kf8. As far as castling goes, after analyzing both K and Q sides I would not recommend it.
Originally posted by CenterNutI assume your talking about the pawn at d4 already protected by a queen and two rooks with a possible c3 thrown in. And double Blacks rooks on the d file? Please show how that will be done.
O-O-O my vote too then RH8F8 forces the rook to defend a pawn.. and if we get chance double the rooks on the half open file..
Originally posted by flexmoreI would like to suggest that Nd5 be added to the list of possiblities.
the position:Game 868388
we are black and need to move.
[fen]r3k2r/pp2qpp1/2p1pn1p/4N2P/3P3R/3Q4/PPP2PP1/2KR4 b qk - 1 17[/fen]
suggestions so far for our 17th move: Nd7, castling kingside, and queenside.
please discuss your reasons when suggesting a move for us to consider 🙂
voting will happen soon in a separate thread.
(see page 19)
Originally posted by AmauroteIt's an unrated game...and I don't think a timeout is in the spirit of this particular game. (Community vs. player)
Just out of interest, are you playing with or without a timebank here? Because, if you aren't, IronMan is probably sitting watching the green bar diminish with a Cheshire Cat grin on his grandmastery face.
So I doubt he'd take a timeout in this game..
White just has more active pieces than Black. I suggest we castle to connect rooks and hopefully get some counterplay along the d file once our rooks are connected.
Our pawn on g7 is Black's main weakness we have to cover. I think kingside castling is best, followed by putting a rook on d8 to get the ball rolling.
I'm not sure about Nd5. White can follow with Qf3, and Black is unable to take the hanging rook with his queen since f7 pawn is vulnerable. Either way White's rook is safe and can be positioned at a better place such as g4, so I think the Black's knight should stay on f6 to cover the g4 square.
It will be a difficult game to defend, but I think 0-0 is best.
the knight at f6 controls a number of important squares including the ability to arrive on d5. going to d5 right now, while maybe a nice looking move actually achieves very little if you ask me.
i agree our weak point is g7.
pressure on the d file is important as this is whites strategic weakness as well as advantage (little centre).
nd5/f6 would appear to be out of the question due to the horrific weakness in our e pawn this creates?
0-0 appears to castle in to the teeth of the attack.
After looking at the position again, I'm convinced that castling is the way to go, but unsure which side to castle. I would err to kingside to protect g7, however are there any pros/cons to kingside and queenside castling in this position? either choice does presents difficulties, it may be the case of choosing the one which makes life easier for us.