let's see what happens after 18. ...Kb8.
19. Qg3 won't do because of Nxh5, so white first will move to protect the h5 pawn:
19. Rh1. then black will have to protect the g7 pawn , or black will lose a few pawns. example:
19. ...a5? 20. Qg3 Ka8 (20. ...Rhg8? 21.Rxf6 gxf6 22. Nxc6+ Ka8 23. Nxe7 Rxg3 24. fxg3 etc) 21. Qxg7 Nh7 (or Nd5) 22. Rxf7 etc.
normal line: 19. Rh1 Rhg8 20. Qg3 Kc8 and as you see, it was a pointless move. Keeping the king on b8 leads to the double check again. b8 just isnt a good square for the king.
so actually I think Kb8 isnt a good move at all, because white can get an healthy attack by Rh1 and Qg3.
Originally posted by demonseedbuffalobill said 18. ...Nd5? I think it loses because of 19. Rxf7. its all about the f7 pawn, and we can protect it with 18. ...Rhf8. Then we might have much possibilities on the next move.
Seems like we are stuck between Rd5 and Rhf8 then.
To be honest I didn't think of Rd5 I suppose the response is c4 so would our response be to retreat the rook or try an interesting rook manouevre of our own, like Ra5?
Doubling our rooks on the d-line isnt possible either, 18. ...Rd7 19. Nxd7 is obvious and 18. ...Rd6 19. Qa3 Kb8 20. Nc4 also. And then we have 18. ...Rd5 19. c4 Ra5 20. Kb1 and then either 20. ...Rhd8 or 20. ...Rhf8, but we won't have accomplished much with getting the rook to a5.
If you find any interesting lines, please post them.
Originally posted by schakuhrNo, I said 19...Nd5, after 18 ... hRf8, is a possibility worth exploring.
buffalobill said 18. ...Nd5? I think it loses because of 19. Rxf7. its all about the f7 pawn, and we can protect it with 18. ...Rhf8. Then we might have much possibilities on the next move.
Doubling our rooks on the d-line isnt possible either, 18. ...Rd7 19. Nxd7 is obvious and 18. ...Rd6 19. Qa3 Kb8 20. Nc4 also. And then we have 18. ...Rd5 19. c4 Ra5 ...[text shortened]... lished much with getting the rook to a5.
If you find any interesting lines, please post them.
I think that Rd5 would be a good choice. If he does push c4 then I think gettng your rook over to a5 is a good idea. It puts a threat on his a pawn and you gain a tempo after he tries to protect it with either Kb1 or a2. After protecting the get the other rook into play with Rd8. Creates a pin and if he doesn't move the queen or the knight you can take the knight. I think Rd5 is best choice.
Originally posted by jones662Advice about things that already happened isn't useful in this thread. Now, please look at the present situation and post something useful about that.
Queen c7 is just asking for trouble. e6 would have been far better. The classical caro-kann is best played with kingside castling.
Originally posted by Samdoggdoes anyone have any analysis on this?????
I think that Rd5 would be a good choice. If he does push c4 then I think gettng your rook over to a5 is a good idea. It puts a threat on his a pawn and you gain a tempo after he tries to protect it with either Kb1 or a2. After protecting the get the other rook into play with Rd8. Creates a pin and if he doesn't move the queen or the knight you can take the knight. I think Rd5 is best choice.
Originally posted by SamdoggFirst I'd like to say that I think it isn't a good idea to think ahead much moves, as we may get nasty surprises with a player like IM.
does anyone have any analysis on this?????
after 18. ...Rd5 19. c4 Ra5 20. Kb1 Rd8 21. Qe2 Qd6 black can get into trouble with 22. Qd2! forcing the a5 rook to take the knight on e5:
22. ...Rxe5 23. dxe5 Qxd2 24.Rxd2 Rxd2 25.exf6 gxf6 26. Rxf6 and white has a won position. we'll have to find something against 22. Qd2 then. I think 21. ...c5 might clear up the trouble.
Originally posted by flexmore18...Nxh5?; 19. Rxf7 Qg5; 20.Kb1-Rhf8; 21. Qf3!-Nf6; 22. Rd3-Qh5; 23. g4+--Qg5; 24. Rxb7!-Nd5; 25. Rdb3!-Rxf3; 26. Rb8-Kc7; 27. R3b7-Kd6; 28. Nc4# 1-0
i would like some deeper analysis of Nxh5 - to satisfy my interest ... and also to be able to remove it from the list of voting options: we sould only include the sensible options.
if Nxh5 is no good then please show me why - then we can remove it from the vote.
Originally posted by schakuhrwhat about Ra4 or Ra6?
First I'd like to say that I think it isn't a good idea to think ahead much moves, as we may get nasty surprises with a player like IM.
after 18. ...Rd5 19. c4 Ra5 20. Kb1 Rd8 21. Qe2 Qd6 black can get into trouble with 22. Qd2! forcing the a5 rook to take the knight on e5:
22. ...Rxe5 23. dxe5 Qxd2 24.Rxd2 Rxd2 25.exf6 gxf6 26. Rxf6 and white has a w ...[text shortened]... e'll have to find something against 22. Qd2 then. I think 21. ...c5 might clear up the trouble.