Qf3 places indirect pressure on the f7 pawn and the knight, so moving Nd5 is going to be bad anyway because of Rxf7.
We may also need to consider the possibility that White will do an exchange sac on f6 when the time is right.
We've mentioned earlier that doubling rooks may not be the best course since d7 is covered by the white knight, d6 obstructs the black queen keeping tabs on the a3 square and d5 may provoke pawn to c4.
Having said that, Rd5 is the lesser of all evils as it may lead to some counter attacking chances on the queenside, with 20 c4 Ra5. Plus c4 may not be White's best move in response. Pawn to g4 looks difficult for us, so that's another move to consider.
We really don't have any good moves here, just weather the storm and hopefully survive till the end. I'm going for Rd5.
Originally posted by schakuhrvery good zwischenzug. I didn't see that.
if black moves 20. ...bxc6? indeed. But black has better:
20. ...Nd5! (in between move!)
a)21. Qb5 Qg5! 22. g3 Nxf4 23. Nc6+ (or gxf4 Qxf4+ -+) Kc7 24. Qxg5 hxg5 25. Nxd8 Nxh5! 26. Nxb7 Kxb7 - white has sacrificed a knight for 1 pawn.
b)21. Rg4 f6! 22. Ng6 bxc6 23. Nxe7 Nxe7 24. Rxg7 - white has indeed sacrificed a knight for 2 pawns, now with cleared up situation.
so I dont think white will try 20. Qxc6?.
Originally posted by schakuhrGood call. Now back to work :-)
if black moves 20. ...bxc6? indeed. But black has better:
20. ...Nd5! (in between move!)
b)21. Rg4 f6! 22. Ng6 bxc6 23. Nxe7 Nxe7 24. Rxg7 - white has indeed sacrificed a knight for 2 pawns, now with cleared up situation.
so I dont think white will try 20. Qxc6?.
Originally posted by the jitty slitterQc7 for Black is a big, fat hairy mistake until the pawn on a7 is secured. White just shifts the Queen to a3 upon which your problems have just begun.
Qc7 was also played in the one of the other matches Rag' posted.
I thought in that game black made errors in the defence.
Originally posted by schakuhrKb8 looks good. Nice work on Nd5! After Black's Kb8, then perhaps White's reply is either c4? or g4? or Rd3?...hmn...
I'll add another possibility: 19. ...Qd6, and a later c5 to create counterplay. c5 directly doesnt work: 19. ...c5? 20. dxc5 Qxc5? 21. Rc4 +-
Kb8 is good also, IMO.
Originally posted by xs19. ...Qd6 20.Rd3 c5? 21. dc qxc5 22. rc4 and the queen is lost so I am not sure we can play c5 immediately after rd3.
19. ...Qd6 20.Rd3 c5 21.Rc3
19. ...Kb8 20.Rd3 ...? 21.Rb3
EDIT: in fact this was already posted by schakur a page back 😉
its a strange looking move but is kc7 playable to relieve some of the pressure on c6?
Originally posted by the jitty slitter"EDIT: in fact this was already posted by schakur a page back." 😞
19. ...Qd6 20.Rd3 c5? 21. dc qxc5 22. rc4 and the queen is lost so I am not sure we can play c5 immediately after rd3.
its a strange looking move but is kc7 playable to relieve some of the pressure on c6?
and thats what I replied to.
point being: after 20.Rd3 black won't be moving c5- immediately or later...
Originally posted by buffalobillWell, maybe after 19...Qc7 20.Qa3 Kb8 20 Rh1 with Rh3, Rfh4 and Qg3(Rg3) in mind.
Qc7 for Black is a big, fat hairy mistake until the pawn on a7 is secured. White just shifts the Queen to a3 upon which your problems have just begun.
I like that line, actually...
EDIT: A shift to the queenside does nothing:
20...Kb8 21.Rh1 Ka8 22.Rh3 Rfe8 23.Qa4? Rd5! and I consider Black better. White has to go back with his queen or continue with the desperate try.
I like Qc7...
Originally posted by fetofsWhat are you smoking 8-) And why 20. Rh1 ... ? White doesn't need to worry about that pawn.
Well, maybe after 19...Qc7 20.Qa3 Kb8 20 Rh1 with Rh3, Rfh4 and Qg3(Rg3) in mind.
I like that line, actually...
EDIT: A shift to the queenside does nothing:
20...Kb8 21.Rh1 Ka8 22.Rh3 Rfe8 23.Qa4? Rd5! and I consider Black better. White has to go back with his queen or continue with the desperate try.
I like Qc7...
And then, what are you trying to achieve with Qc7? I can't see that it improves your position, just weakens it.