Originally posted by YUG0slavRxh2+ Kg2 and it's an easy win I say, though you have to think a little maybe.
nah, not with that King on e7 and the target on d6. Nxf2 gives him SOME measure of counterplay and the positions after Rxh2+ are pretty rough for me
Agh, I hate how F9 makes me look at the board from the black POV when I open it, it makes it hard to calculate if I haven't been playing from that view from move one.
Originally posted by cmsMasterbtw it's black's move here (it was f6 of course) and I actually blundered the game away when i played b4, but he missed his chance and followed Rxh2+ with Qh5 and Qh3 (when Qf3 is all the defense i need)
Erm, not even close to the line I had - black didn't play Rxb2?
Anyhow, Kf1.
Originally posted by YUG0slavHow could he miss the obvious Qxd6+ ?
and then a few moves later
[fen]8/1p2k1p1/1ppp1p1q/8/1P2PQ2/2P3Pr/P4KR1/3R4 b - - 0 34[/fen]
and here he played Qh5? (though he was already lost, my king can't be reached by his pieces) and found himself on the defensive!
35. Qxd6+ Kf7
36. Qd7+ Kg6
37. Qe8+ Kh7
38. Qxh5+ 1-0
Originally posted by YUG0slavWoah wait, it's black to move there!?
btw it's black's move here (it was f6 of course) and I actually blundered the game away when i played b4, but he missed his chance and followed Rxh2+ with Qh5 and Qh3 (when Qf3 is all the defense i need)
Wait...I fail to see how b4 ruined the game for you. Or was that FEN not immediately after b4?
Originally posted by cmsMasterthe other variation i considered (which was looked at before the position i posted) involved black pushing the c pawns, when I would take the lead one with my king and sac my bish for the real one. he would take my g pawn, but I would still have enough time to run my king to a1 and draw
Wow, awesome, I really need endgame work. 😕
kinda like:
not exact, but the same scenario with white to move
Originally posted by YUG0slavNah, this way was much cooler. 😛
the other variation i considered (which was looked at before the position i posted) involved black pushing the c pawns, when I would take the lead one with my king and sac my bish for the real one. he would take my g pawn, but I would still have enough time to run my king to a1 and draw
Originally posted by YUG0slavOh, well what do you play there, Kb2? Bxc5 doesn't seem to work.
the other variation i considered (which was looked at before the position i posted) involved black pushing the c pawns, when I would take the lead one with my king and sac my bish for the real one. he would take my g pawn, but I would still have enough time to run my king to a1 and draw
kinda like:
[fen]8/4B3/8/1kp5/p5b1/2K5/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
not exact, but the same scenario with white to move