Is the Dunnington text considered the standard on the KIA?
A lot seem to be damning the KIA with faint praise--it's a good opening for beginners, or it's a good opening for those who don't want to spend much time studying opening theory, etc. That may be so, but is anyone willing to make a case for the KIA without these standard qualifiers? I'm just starting to, well, study this system a bit and it seems to me a fine basis for building a coherent 1.e4 repertoire that may also be linked to how one plays as black.
Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.... Thanks.
Originally posted by more guinnessWith any opening people with good answers will provide both the plusses and minuses of the opening - there are no perfect openings.
Is the Dunnington text considered the standard on the KIA?
A lot seem to be damning the KIA with faint praise--it's a good opening for beginners, or it's a good opening for those who don't want to spend much time studying opening theory, etc. That may be so, but is anyone willing to make a case for the KIA without these standard qualifiers? I'm ju ...[text shortened]... inked to how one plays as black.
Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.... Thanks.
Excluding the KG and Dragon, of course!! 😉
Originally posted by Diet CokePlay what you want, but the KG will definitely be the best - be warned, play it once and you're hooked - it happened to me when I was 'fooling around' with it one night and I haven't switched since.
I've yet to decide what to do with my Kings Gambit game for your clan!
Originally posted by cmsMasterI'm never ditching the english!
Play what you want, but the KG will definitely be the best - be warned, play it once and you're hooked - it happened to me when I was 'fooling around' with it one night and I haven't switched since.
Though I thought that about the Dragon too, but the French has been a heck of a lot of fun. Except those stupid exchange players.
Originally posted by Diet CokeHey Diet, guess what opening I used before that day I decided to play the KG a couple of times? 🙂
I'm never ditching the english!
Though I thought that about the Dragon too, but the French has been a heck of a lot of fun. Except those stupid exchange players.
Wow, impressive rating climb! How are you pulling it off with 230 games?! When I have over 20 I can't handle it and my rating...well you can see it on my graph.
Originally posted by Diet CokeGame 2013474
Something about that smile says the English.😲
Game 2105821
Something about that smile...
Originally posted by cmsMaster😀
Game 2013474
Game 2105821
Something about that smile...
The first game has e4!
Originally posted by Diet CokeI liked the Botvinnik Formation, very easy plan to follow and I could throw of the first 7-10 moves without much thought - which is probably more of a negative than a postive.
The first game has e4!
BTW: Did you see my edit?
Wow, impressive rating climb! How are you pulling it off with 230 games?! When I have over 20 I can't handle it and my rating...well you can see it on my graph.
Originally posted by cmsMasterThat's why I started the english too. Now I've grown used to it, after what seems like a 1000 games, I find myself uncomfortable with other openings.
I liked the Botvinnik Formation, very easy plan to follow and I could throw of the first 7-10 moves without much thought - which is probably more of a negative than a postive.
Originally posted by cmsMasterWhen you consider the vast majority of those games aren't beyond move ten yet.
I liked the Botvinnik Formation, very easy plan to follow and I could throw of the first 7-10 moves without much thought - which is probably more of a negative than a postive.
BTW: Did you see my edit?
Wow, impressive rating climb! How are you pulling it off with 230 games?! When I have over 20 I can't handle it and my rating...well you can see it on my graph.
Added to that, the general awfullness of my previous play, I think I've given ten queens away, but it's probably closer to 50! I won't even try to count all the other pieces I've dropped.
When I said on another site I reached 1826 I wasn't lying!
Just look at some of the games from the lower section of that graph and you'll find some shockers. Some I've even resigned before my opponent moved.
After a steady increase there's bound to be a little downturn, you're not invincible!😀