Originally posted by rubberjaw30You might find the following variation amusing (and maybe even a good way to rack up some victories!):
help me out here...
i have no idea what to do as white against 1. ... Nf6
i usually play 2. e5 without any idea of what i'm trying to accomplish...
1 e4 Nf6 2 Bc4 Ne4 (2...e5 makes the game a Bishop's Opening) 3 Bf7 Kf7 4 Qh5 and White soon corrals the knight with a lively game in progress!
Originally posted by gaychessplayerbut in that line, is white garunteed the material compensation?
You might find the following variation amusing (and maybe even a good way to rack up some victories!):
1 e4 Nf6 2 Bc4 Ne4 (2...e5 makes the game a Bishop's Opening) 3 Bf7 Kf7 4 Qh5 and White soon corrals the knight with a lively game in progress!