Southern California
2. d4 with a Danish Gambit to follow?
Originally posted by irontigran f4
2. Nf3 lets go with the classic continuation.
Not in lecture
I agree with zebano 2. Nf3, but I'm hoping to see a studied Traxler game 😛
Lets go with Nc3 here...
Originally posted by jockmcgee I agree with zebano 2. Nf3, but I'm hoping to see a studied Traxler game 😛
2. Bc4?! A dubious move but still not refuted for obvious reasons. it would add variety.
1.e4......e5 2.Nc3
For me, 2. ... Nf6
obviously 2. ...Nf6
White is suggesting a Vienna, and the break with f4. Nf6 good. d6 still OK. f5 madness of the fun sort. Bc5?
2. ... Nc6 hasn't been mentioned yet.
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