Originally posted by BifrostIn Piano a pawn is on c3. Anyway, why play passively if you can an active game with 3. ... Nxe4! ? After 4. Nxe4 d5 black has a stronger center. After 4. Bxf7 follows 4. ... Kxf7 5. Nxe4 d5 and black is better.
There are numerous ones; some play c6, I personally prefer Nc6 and it transposes into a Piano quite nicely.
3. ... c6 is inferior to 3. ... Nxe4 because black now won't have the opportunity to push d5 (4. Nf3 d5? 5. exd5 cxd5 6. Bb5 and e5 falls.
I really can't see any reason to play anything else than 3. ... Nxe4.