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The Opening I recommand with white is Pf3 and with black Modern Benoni and Najdorf.

White: Pf3 avoids nasty openings like Albin and Budapester, and you can mostly transpose to Queens gambit, and Symmetrical English (Pf3 avoids c4 e5!). Also there are some lines that avoids Grunfeld, by inserting an early e4 instead of d4. Thus in conclusion you need to be prepared for:
Queens Gambit
Kings Indian
Symmetrical English

With Black:
Najdorf against e4 ofcourse and Modern Benoni against d4. I think this is a good repetoire.

Good luck!

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Originally posted by YUG0slav
I typed out my post in as long as you take for a move, and didn't edit it 5 times like you

Yea, you can play however which way you want 😀
ha. guess different people do things in different ways 😀

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