Originally posted by iamatigerMove 8 that is for White......
queen to H5 check
**8. Qh5+**
Black move!
***8. ...g6***
Game should be updated soon....
Game 466287
Black to move! (we'll update the main game soon.)
When possible, my avatar will update to the game (heheheh. Not that you can actually UNDERSTAND it...)
The PGN:
[Event "Public Game 3 move9"]
[Site "RedHotPawn"]
[Date "2004.04.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Public Forum"]
[Black "Public Forum"]
[Result "*"]
1. e4 e5
2. f4 d5
3. d4 dxe4
4. fxe5 c5
5. d5 Nd7
6. e6 fxe6
7. dxe6 Nb6
8. Qh5+ g6
9. Bb5+
The FEN:
r1bqkbnr/pp5p/1n2P1p1/1Bp4Q/4p3/8/PPP3PP/RNB1K1NR b KQkq - 0 9
The image:
I'm game for that. Anyone want to pick up from that?
White to move:
[Event "Public Game 3 move 13"]
[Site "RedHotPawn"]
[Date "2004.04.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Public Forum"]
[Black "Public Forum"]
[Result "*"]
1. e4 e5
2. f4 d5
3. d4 dxe4
4. fxe5 c5
5. d5 Nd7
6. e6 fxe6
7. dxe6 Nb6
8. Qh5+ g6
9. Bb5+ Nd7
10. exd7+ Bxd7
11. Bxd7+ Qxd7
12. Qe5+ Ne7
13. Qxh8 O-O-O
2kr1b1Q/pp1qn2p/6p1/2p5/4p3/8/PPP3PP/RNB1K1NR w KQ - 0 14
Originally posted by Jay PeateaNc3 takes away any possibilities for black and once white plays Ng1-e2 and castles the game is over.
Things looking a bit dodgy for black, time to give up a piece to gain some play
9...Nd7 ( 10) exd7...Bxd7 11) Bxd7...Qxd7 12) Qe5+..Ne7 13) Qxh8..0-0-0 Possibly giving black some play down D column ?)
Here is where it stands.
Game 466287
White to move... Move 14.
Edit... rule 3) You can make up to three consecutive moves of your color at a time.
I don't think we should include lines in these Public games, as a newbie could come along and muss something up... or someone might find a better line.