Originally posted by iamatigerLol! I hope they are thinking.... I have the last post in the white move thread so I dare not click back in.....
What's the timeout before we can claim a win here if white doesn't move?
White, get on it!
Game 466287
White's turn to move....
Well its been a few day since anybody posted anything on the black strategy thread. So I guess the black team resigns.
Welldone to Crythais & Phlabibit for playing the moves in the unrated game, it was very useful & handy for analyzing the moves & seeing how the game was progressing!. I think that the strategy thread idea almost worked apart from the spying on both side. Perhaps if we play another we should do it slightly differently and have 2 threads right from the start with a vote system to deceide the actually move.
Finally I wonder if Living Legend would be kind enough to show us the lines that he would have played on those moves 10 to 13 ? (LL - you did say you didn't agree etc..)
J 😀
Originally posted by Jay PeateaSorry guys, have been away for a while so missed the thread!
Well its been a few day since anybody posted anything on the black strategy thread. So I guess the black team resigns.
Welldone to Crythais & Phlabibit for playing the moves in the unrated game, it was very useful & handy for analyzi ...[text shortened]... to 13 ? (LL - you did say you didn't agree etc..)
J 😀
First of all, thanks for the game, we enjoyed trashing you! 😵
JP, this was your line: 9..Nd7 10.exd7+ Bxd7 11.Bxd7+ Qxd7 12.Qe5+ Ne7 13.Qxh8 0-0-0
9..Nd7 was a bad move, much better would have simply been 9..Ke7, followed by probably something like: 10.Qe5 Nf6 11.Be3 Bxe6.
10.exd7+ was not bad, but it would have been better to raise the presure a little more with 10.Qe5, which would resulst in an even greater material advantage.
10..Bxd7 was the only logical move.
11.Bxd7+, I don't really know, I think I would have played 11.Qe5+ first, but it probably wouldn't have mattered much, as alot of these lines transpose into the same position.
11..Qxd7 and again, the only logical move.
12.Qe5+, ah! There is the long awaited Queen move, it was the best one.
12..Ne7 was not so good either, it gave White the opportunity to take the Rook on h8, it wouldn't be possible to take the Rook if Black would have played 12..Be7, as it would result in the loss of the Queen after 13.Qxh8? 0-0-0 14.Nc3 (14.Qe5? would have been even worse as Black could then completely take over the attack with a series of checks) 14..Bf6! (14..Bh4+ 15.g3 Bf6!) 15.Qxf6 Nxf6 leaving White with only a small material advantage!
13.Qxh8, White could now easily take the Rook without worries. 🙂
13..0-0-0, the only move giving Black some more space to breath with making safe the King for a bit.
I hope this could be of service, as it really took me a while... 😏
Originally posted by LivingLegendOlav
Sorry guys, have been away for a while so missed the thread!
First of all, thanks for the game, we enjoyed trashing you! 😵
JP, this was your line: 9..Nd7 10.exd7+ Bxd7 11.Bxd7+ Qxd7 12.Qe5+ Ne7 13.Qxh8 0-0-0
9..Nd7 was a bad move, much better would have simply been 9..Ke7, followed by probably something like: 10.Qe5 Nf6 11.Be3 Bxe6.
10.exd7 ...[text shortened]... e King for a bit.
I hope this could be of service, as it really took me a while... 😏
thanks very much, (thats the difference that an extra 500+ rating points does to analysis!)