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Trying to play like Petrosian and failing

Trying to play like Petrosian and failing

Only Chess


I forgot the cardinal online rule:

Don't feed the troll!

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord!

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Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
As a matter of fact, I am a Christian. I'm secure enough in my faith, that I don't have to mention it every second or try to force it down someone else's throat. The topic of religion hasn't come up in hundreds of my posts, nor should it.
That's very good Paul, but are you a True Christian®? 😉

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Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
I forgot the cardinal online rule:

Don't feed the troll!

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord!
Let that be a lesson to you. 😏

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord!


Originally posted by RJHinds
Why then, am I the only one being criticized?
You agreed for a 20 game analysis and agreed for the results to be published in the forum, you have now reproduced them in this thread. 🙄

There are no doubt more engine users on this site, but they are not as daft as you and let the incriminating evidence be posted in the forum!! 🙄

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
You agreed for a 20 game analysis and agreed for the results to be published in the forum, you have now reproduced them in this thread. 🙄

There are no doubt more engine users on this site, but they are not as daft as you and let the incriminating evidence be posted in the forum!! 🙄
It is not called "daft"; it is called "openness and honesty" wouldn't you think?

P.S. Daft

Warning: This word is British do not even think of saying and or uttering this word in Freeworld America
Note: If a friend is insane enough to say the word Daft it is important that you ask him to refrain from saying such words and stop being a damned Brit

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Originally posted by Pacifique
...You would be banned in chess.com for a long time ago.
Too true.
RJHinds would have also been banned here, on the basis of the games I analysed, had they taken place a couple of years ago, then cross-checked by mods.
Admins decision to not ban engine users has made the player tables a laughing stock & the only chess forum a joke, when an idiot patzer with Fritz can openly masquerade as a FM+ level player...

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Originally posted by Zygalski
Too true.
RJHinds would have also been banned here, on the basis of the games I analysed, had they taken place a couple of years ago, then cross-checked by mods.
Admins decision to not ban engine users has made the player tables a laughing stock & the only chess forum a joke, when an idiot patzer with Fritz can openly masquerade as a FM+ level player...
I am sure you would like all players to play at levels no more than 1600 - 1700 elo. So that would require banning a lot of players from this site and also require prohibiting the use of opening books, master games, analysis boards, and requiring everyone to complete any game started in one day. Sounds like a good idea to me.

P.S. One has to play rated games under FIDE organization to become a FM. I only play under USCF organization. Also I think there should be some type of time control on the number of moves like they do in OTB chess, like 40 moves in 2 or 3 hours. These blitz games don't give enough time.


Originally posted by Zygalski
Too true.
RJHinds would have also been banned here, on the basis of the games I analysed, had they taken place a couple of years ago, then cross-checked by mods.
Admins decision to not ban engine users has made the player tables a laughing stock & the only chess forum a joke, when an idiot patzer with Fritz can openly masquerade as a FM+ level player...
RJHinds is worse than idiot patzer with Fritz - he is also obvious, blatant liar and hypocrite.



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The post that was quoted here has been removed
There are some people that believe that if a person believes in God and does not believe in evolution, that person must be mentally defective. Some Atheists don't like their belief system challenged and they retaliate by name calling when they can not think of reasonable arguments. It is okay for them to do the name calling, but they find it very hard to accept when they to are being called names, as I also often do in reply. They can't admit that their Atheism and belief in evolution is just as much a religious belief as Christianity and creationism.

In my case, I am outspoken about my belief in God and in creation in 6 days and how stupid I think Atheism and evolution is. Of course, they view me as one that is brainwashed and indoctrinated to believe in Christianity and must be a moron and stupid. I don't seem to be making friends of these people by responding in kind. However, I feel it necessary to defend my beliefs in as strong a manner as I can by presenting evidence for my beliefs and against the validity of their beliefs and belittle their beloved heros like Richard Dawkins by presenting them with a video link like the following, in which he can not answer a simple question in support of his theory of evolution and has to make up a question of his own in order to give an answer.

These actions have apparently angered some Atheists and one that calls himself ProperKnob, who thinks anyone like me must be of low intelligence, can not believe I could do well on here in chess without cheating by using a computer chess engine. He decided to start an effort to get me banned from the site, with his accusations. He does not realize how much hard work and time I spend on my games to get to my present rating.

I had once thought to just go back to playing my games on here like OTB games, so my rating would fall rapidly, but then I thought why should I cowtail to Atheists? I have a right to believe as I want just as much as anyone else has. And in America, we are supposed to have freedom of religion and the Atheists are trying to take that right away. It is not going to happen, if I have my say.

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord!

P.S. Why should you expect one, who believes in the truth of Christianity and creation, to have any respect for false religions like Atheism and Islam?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
There are some people that believe that if a person believes in God and does not believe in evolution, that person must be mentally defective. Some Atheists don't like their belief system challenged and they retaliate by name calling when they can not think of reasonable arguments. It is okay for them to do the name calling, but they find it very hard to ac of Christianity and creation, to have any respect for false religions like Atheism and Islam?
Your intelligence should be extremely low, if you truly believe in your ability to convince any reasonable chess player with such a crap.

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Originally posted by Pacifique
Your intelligence should be extremely low, if you truly believe in your ability to convince any reasonable chess player with such a crap.


Originally posted by RJHinds
There are some people that believe that if a person believes in God and does not believe in evolution, that person must be mentally defective. Some Atheists don't like their belief system challenged and they retaliate by name calling when they can not think of reasonable arguments. It is okay for them to do the name calling, but they find it very hard to ac ...[text shortened]... of Christianity and creation, to have any respect for false religions like Atheism and Islam?
ok, that was quite funny although i dont think you intended it to be so.

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I think this thread got a little hijacked.

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