Originally posted by tonytiger41I think that the person who posted the original question knows that he is better than when he started. He is no where near the beginner he used to be. He is just wondering where the chess community would place him.
i've heard "somewhere" that it takes 10,000 hours to master a subject or endeavor. now don't start counting the hours, for it is "quality" hours, not just hanging out in the library, tilly-dallying with your friends.
regarding the original post, inbetween beginner and master stage is fuzzy, you clearly know when you've acheived and surpassed it. if you need to ask, likely you haven't reached it.
Is he officially still a beginner?
The bigger question is "what is a beginner"?
I'm afraid that the only way one can get an official category, one is going to have to play OTB and get an official rating. Other than that, all you are going to get is opinion.
Some people will tell you that you are good. Others will tell you that you suck and that you will never get any better.