Originally posted by zebanoha! white really messed up that attack 😀
Game 2891816
This appears to be more recent, but is quite impressive.
what was the first mistake, taking the knight on h7? gxh6 first looks like total murder...
Originally posted by wormwoodNormal 1200 cannot win top player unless 1200 player is a top player sandbagging.
does anyone remember who was the 1200-player who won a game against one of our top players about 2 years ago? I can't remember either player, but I'm sure someone knows which game I'm talking about. if I remember right, it wasn't even a huge blunder, but the low rated guy just played very well...
or was it a draw?
Originally posted by adramforallYou mean 1900 here cannot see mate in one?
My two greatest ever wins
Game 853210 A mere 18 moves to destroy a 1900+ player
Talk to someone over 1500 in ICC. Oh I forgot wormwood you are 1100 ICC so you cannot see mate in one.
[Event "Xmas Grand 2004 III"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2004.12.23"]
[Round "1"]
[White "xs"]
[Black "adramforall"]
[Result "0-1"]
[EndDate "2004.12.26"]
[WhiteRating "1927"]
[BlackRating "1364"]
[GameId "853210"]
1. Nf3 e6 2. d4 c6 3. e4 d5 4. Bd3 dxe4 5. Bxe4 Bb4+ 6. c3 Ba5 7. O-O Nf6
8. Bd3 Qd5 9. Bd2 Ne4 10. c4 Qh5 11. Bxe4 Bxd2 12. Qxd2 f5 13. Bc2 Nd7 14.
Nc3 Nf6 15. Bd1 Ng4 16. Ne5?? Qh6 17. f4 Qxh2#
Originally posted by ludzfirst you think kramnik missing a mate in one doesn't count because 3 hours for a game is so much faster than a correspondence game, and now you think no 1500+ patzer on ICC misses a mate in one in blitz??
Talk to someone over 1500 in ICC. Oh I forgot wormwood you are 1100 ICC so you cannot see mate in one.
what's your handle on ICC?
Any player no matter how high their rating is can make a mistake, even if they have a year for each move, the fact that this is correspondence does not mean that all players actually study all games in depth, I know 50 percent of my games I only look at the board for a few minutes after my opponent has moved, have a minute or two on analasis board then move, sometimes I just move after 30 seconds of looking at the board due to time pressures in life or just playing a casual game or whatever the reason.
Any player can blunder at any time
Edit for spelling
Originally posted by ludzHe even had a chance to redeem himself. Missed it twice. It's always fun to catch someone sleeping though 😉
You mean 1900 here cannot see mate in one?
edit: forgot my favorite rhp game - Game 3008199
survived a brutal kingside barrage, somehow, and delivered a nice fork. I was rated much lower at the time and this game gave me confidence and a winning game plan.
[Event "Rated game, 1m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2007.11.13"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Dreadnought1982"]
[Black "Nightking"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A07"]
[WhiteElo "1774"]
[BlackElo "2737"]
[PlyCount "109"]
[EventDate "2007.12.26"]
[TimeControl "60"]
1. Nf3 {1} d5 {1} 2. g3 {0} c6 {0} 3. Bg2 {0} Nf6 {1} 4. d3 {0} g6 {0} 5. Nbd2
{0} Bg7 {0} 6. O-O {0} O-O {0} 7. Re1 {0} Bg4 {1} 8. e4 {0} Bxf3 {1} 9. Nxf3 {1
} e6 {0} 10. e5 {1} Nfd7 {1} 11. d4 {0} c5 {1} 12. c3 {0} Nc6 {1} 13. h4 {1}
Qe8 {1} 14. Nh2 {1} Rc8 {2} 15. Be3 {1} cxd4 {1} 16. cxd4 {1} Qe7 {0} 17. Qd2 {
1} Qb4 {1} 18. Qe2 {1} Na5 {2} 19. h5 {1} Nc4 {1} 20. Qg4 {1} Nxe3 {2} 21. fxe3
{0} Qxb2 {2} 22. Nf3 {1} Rc2 {1} 23. Qh3 {3} Qc3 {2} 24. hxg6 {1} hxg6 {3} 25.
Ng5 {1} Rc8 {1} 26. Qh7+ {1} Kf8 {1} 27. Qh3 {5} Qd2 {4} 28. Rf1 {2} Qxe3+ {3}
29. Kh1 {3} Qxg5 {0} 30. Qxe6 {4} Qh6+ {8} 31. Bh3 {1} Nxe5 {6} 32. dxe5 {2}
Kg8 {1} 33. Rxf7 {4} Kh8 {2} 34. Raf1 {4} Rg8 {1} 35. Rxg7 {1} Qxg7 {1} 36. Qg4
{1} Qh7 {1} 37. e6 {1} Rd2 {1} 38. Rf7 {1} Rd4 {1} 39. Rxh7+ {2} Kxh7 {0} 40.
Qh4+ {1} Rxh4 {2} 41. gxh4 {1} Kg7 {0} 42. Kg2 {1} Kf6 {0} 43. Kf3 {0} Ke7 {0}
44. Ke3 {0} Rf8 {0} 45. Kd4 {0} Rf6 {0} 46. Kxd5 {0} Rf3 {0} 47. h5 {0} Rxh3 {1
} 48. hxg6 {. 1} Rg3 {0} 49. g7 {0} Rxg7 {1} 50. Ke5 {1} Rg5+ {0} 51. Kf4 {0}
Rg6 {0} 52. Kf5 {0} Rxe6 {0} 53. Kg5 {1} Rd6 {0} 54. Kg4 {0} Rd7 {0} 55. Kh3 {
Time ' 0} 1-0
Yes I know it's bullet and I messed up on move 40, but a win against someone nearly 1000 points higher still counts! 😏