Originally posted by kbaumenHere is something I've devised from your position (haven't run it through a program to see if there are alternative solutions than the intended one:
[fen]4B3/6p1/2p1p3/2PN4/4k1P1/4P3/4K3/4B3 w[/fen]
White to move and mate in three.
Edit, oops at first I posted a wrong position.
White to mate in 3:
Originally posted by Black QueenYeah, I guess you're right about that checking. Btw, I'm on the limit of 10 messages per day because I'm not a subscriber. Do you mind that I post the solutions here?
kbaumen: Your puzzle is very cool. I do, however, think that like me, you need to check your positions to see if they are sound.
Originally posted by crazyblueI am fairly sure mate is impossible but still...
Try these, BlackQueen:
A) White to move, mate in 12.
[fen]8/1nq5/bppp4/1p1k1K1N/1rrp3b/2pp2p1/8/n7 w - - 0 1[/fen]
edit: can you add only 1 FEN per posting?
I would merely play,
Nf4 Kc5
Ne6+ Kd5
But that's mean. I'm not that good!
Originally posted by crazyblueNow that one I can do.
B) White to move, mate in 3.
[fen]8/4K3/4p3/4k3/3pPp2/3P1P2/2P1R1P1/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
1. Re3 dxe3
2. c3 e2
3. d4#
1. Re3 fxe3
2. g3 e2
3. f4#
I had to use the logic that the first move had to let the Black King or Pawns move. I considered sacrificing the pawns, but I decided on a wild hunch, to try a Rook sacrifice and found the answer(I think).
Originally posted by Black QueenWell let me help you a little, 1.Nf4+ Kc5 2.Ne6+ Kd5 3.Nxc7+ Kc5 4.Nxa6+! Kd5 5. Nc7+ Kc5 6.Ne6+ Kd5 7.Nf4+ Kc5 What have white achieved so far - whay have they destroyed the queen and the bishop? What should they play further?
I am fairly sure mate is impossible but still...
I would merely play,
Nf4 Kc5
Ne6+ Kd5
But that's mean. I'm not that good!
Originally posted by ilywrin8. Kxe4 Nd2 or Nc3
Well let me help you a little, 1.Nf4+ Kc5 2.Ne6+ Kd5 3.Nxc7+ Kc5 4.Nxa6+! Kd5 5. Nc7+ Kc5 6.Ne6+ Kd5 7.Nf4+ Kc5 What have white achieved so far - whay have they destroyed the queen and the bishop? What should they play further? [fen]8/1n6/1ppp4/1pk2K2/1rrp1N1b/2pp2p1/8/n7 w - - 0 1[/fen]
9. Kxd3 Nb1
10. Nf6 Rb3+
11. Ke4 Rb4???
12. Nf6#