Originally posted by thespacemonkeyPerhaps when you hit the ground, in that moment, a parallel universe was created. In the Original universe with it's standard set of physical laws you actually died. However, in this other parallel universe it had a slightly different set of physical laws which allowed you to survive the fall.
You havn't lived untill you've survived hitting the floor at terminal velocity.
So really, you are dead to everyone you know in the Original universe and all of us in this parallel universe owe our existence to you being too dumb to not pack your chute right! ):->
one thing that i saw on a sci-fi show ounce that makes sence is that anytime anyone makes a choice a new universe i created do to the fact that you could have made any decision. therefore there are infinant universes that exist because of your choise.
in other words, when i chose to type this, it created a new universe where i did not type it at the same instant. any ideas, P.M. me
Originally posted by sofar55That was a Star Trek episode
one thing that i saw on a sci-fi show ounce that makes sence is that anytime anyone makes a choice a new universe i created do to the fact that you could have made any decision. therefore there are infinant universes that exist because of your choise.
in other words, when i chose to type this, it created a new universe where i did not type it at the same instant. any ideas, P.M. me
Supposing that 'God', 'the universe', 'cosmic consciousness', or whatever you want to call it, is infinite, then all possibilities must be expressed or at least have an opportunity to be expressed. Therefore where must these possibilities find expression but in multiple universes? Whether they are parallel or not, who knows? My theory is that how the universe is similar to the make-up of an atom there are numerous universes within a blade of grass and we are probably just a universe within a grain a sand in some other universe... it will be interesting as science discovers more powerful ways of looking out and looking within.
Originally posted by FabianFnasSurely as they all coexist there is no "original" universe. There is either universe X, Y, Z (whatever) that are all independant of each other, and thus none can be called original, as they all were "born" and occur at the same time, or there is like a branch system where everything eminates from a trunk, like a tree with multiple different outcomes, you couldnt sight one branch of a tree as "the original branch". Either that or there is a hypothesis already sighted by Gastel that says that we are currently in the 8th cycle of the big bang/ big crush, but then, even with that there are theories knocking about that time is an illusion and all time; past, present and future occur now, thus making it hard to truely identify the original universe anyway.
The interesting thing is to know weather we live in the original universe or in a parallell.
How does it feel to live in a parallel universe? Worse, I imagine.
Originally posted by sofar55Maybe there was a universe where you were able to spell and use punctuation properly? That universe would be truly bizarre!
one thing that i saw on a sci-fi show ounce that makes sence is that anytime anyone makes a choice a new universe i created do to the fact that you could have made any decision. therefore there are infinant universes that exist because of your choise.
in other words, when i chose to type this, it created a new universe where i did not type it at the same instant. any ideas, P.M. me
I am God!
When I flip a coin, it can land on one side or another, and in this very moment a whole new universe is created whith the opposite outcome in this coinflipping from the one in our universe.
I am the creator of a brand new universe, therefore I am God.
It is easy to be religous...
Originally posted by thespacemonkeyIf we don't talk about it here, then it's being talked about in another dimention.
You all realise this whole universes-being-created-everytime-someone makes-a-decision has ABSOLUOTELY no basis in anything other than sci-fi, right? As it is only a plot device there is little point humouring it with any real conversation, right?
I'm not sure if I believe the diverging universe idea, or the idea that there are finite dimentions and we have just yet to explore them.
Originally posted by thespacemonkeyAs I understand the whole thing it's just interpretations of the outcome of some equations, kind of symmetries that imply that our universe forks into separate universes in certain circumstances.
You all realise this whole universes-being-created-everytime-someone makes-a-decision has ABSOLUOTELY no basis in anything other than sci-fi, right?
AS the theroy has no idea at all how to communicate between these universes it has no releveance in reality if there exists parallel universes or not.
In our universe it perhaps exist parallel universes, in others perhaps not.
In our universe it exist some humouring about this concept, in a parallel universe perhaps not.
Originally posted by thespacemonkeyIt's useful when discussing philosophical topics.
You all realise this whole universes-being-created-everytime-someone makes-a-decision has ABSOLUOTELY no basis in anything other than sci-fi, right? As it is only a plot device there is little point humouring it with any real conversation, right?