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Alaska glaciers melting towards no return.

Alaska glaciers melting towards no return.


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Well deserved hate BTW, Trump is a KNOWN climate change denier and the fact you use that to refuse to look at the real data just shows you are in fact a climate change by humans denier.
So you also deny Trump is a adulterer?

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@sonhouse said
Well deserved hate BTW, Trump is a KNOWN climate change denier and the fact you use that to refuse to look at the real data just shows you are in fact a climate change by humans denier.
So you also deny Trump is a adulterer?

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I guess that would be a no.

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@sonhouse said
I guess that would be a no.
It is a flat I don’t think you are playing with a full deck, it is you hate Trump, it comes up out of nowhere, and you demand everyone else hate him like you do, it’s mental! Not playing in your sandbox!

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@Ponderable said
The science is to derive a reasonable temperature profile from tree rings, which is a proven technique (at least for about the last 150 years). And extrapolation is a good technique as long as the fundamentals are clear.

You fail to give the answer what "substantial" time means for you.
How old do you think the earth is? A minuscule snap shot would be a fraction of single percent, human recorded history is how old? You think you have enough data for determining if what is actually going on is part of a normal process in time, or a grand disruption due to cow farts and human activity?

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I assumed you are a Christian and any Christian would view such behavior as adultery, so it looks like you just overlook such behavior because you are so buried in his camp and no doubt WANT the US to be put in charge by Christian nationalists who strive to make Christianity the state religion and only THEIR version to be that state religion, following the Project 2025 manifesto, that 900 page document spelling it all out.
Funny how Trump said he knew nothing about 2025 but it turns out a few HUNDRED of those folks were involved with the WH when he was POTUS.
So we WILL Fight like hell to keep that criminal out of the WH again.
And making Christianity the state religion is only a small part of what they want, one thing, fire TENS OF THOUSANDS of federal workers, install Trump loyalists and eliminate the department of education, the department of energy, gut the FBI, make over DOJ with yes men swearing loyalty to Trump and Trump alone and arresting ten million folks who are here working, paying taxes and having a normal life not drug dealers.
I guess that agenda suits you just fine, right?
If you think I am lying just google analysis of Project 2025 and the Heritage foundation.

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@sonhouse said
You clearly don't WANT to know about how that conclusion was reached, here is a NASA report on exactly how that data got shown:


But I suppose the agency I used to work for is all corrupt and not a good source.
But I know better, having actually worked for them at Goddard Space Flight Center.
T ...[text shortened]... g a porn star when his wife was having his own baby is now NOT adultery?
Sorry, just a side note.
It is comments like these and other similar ones you make in other threads, that show you are not a well grounded, level-headed person. Your analysis and conclusions are tainted with personal likes and dislikes which have no bearing on the topic at hand. I have seen you do this many times.

Scientific conclusions are notorious for wrongly correlating and establishing causation between two unrelated events. Why do scientists do this? Sometimes it is done in error and sometimes they are gearing for a specific conclusion. Often these conclusions cost millions of $$$ and cost millions of lives. One good example is that the medical fraternity is still out on what causes heart attacks. Fifty years ago the medical community was convinced it was saturated fat, and demonized red meat, eggs and all animal fat. Millions of people died from believing this "science", because instead of eating what God prepared for man to eat, they choose instead to eat factory-produced oils, and foods which claimed to contain no saturated fat and was heart healthy.

Climate change is nonsense or at best trivial. Every 10 years for the last 60 years doomsday scientists have been predicting the end of life on earth. I live on a small island and there has been no change in the beaches for the last 6 decades. Scientists have become like Jehovah Witnesses .. nobody believes what they say and run and hide when you see them coming.

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Hey you can do your climate change denial, but do it in your own back yard, don't preach you BS here, you didn't live through the biggest brushfire in American history, where an area bigger than my state of Pennsylvania burned down and we lived with the smoke for WEEKS, we could see it every day.
That is NOT just weather.
So take your climate denial and shove it up your ass.
It is your grandchildren who will pay for your denial and million of others just like you NOT being scientists but just believing all the climate denial BS coming out of 'scientists' who when push comes to shove, just happen to be on the payroll of big oil.
REAL scientists have ten different ways of analysis you never heard of and never will because you wouldn't believe them and clearly DON'T believe ANY of that work.

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@Rajk999 said
It is comments like these and other similar ones you make in other threads, that show you are not a well grounded, level-headed person. Your analysis and conclusions are tainted with personal likes and dislikes which have no bearing on the topic at hand. I have seen you do this many times.

Scientific conclusions are notorious for wrongly correlating and establishing cau ...[text shortened]... e like Jehovah Witnesses .. nobody believes what they say and run and hide when you see them coming.
Suggest an experiment

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@sonhouse said
Well deserved hate BTW, Trump is a KNOWN climate change denier and the fact you use that to refuse to look at the real data just shows you are in fact a climate change by humans denier.
So you also deny Trump is a adulterer?
We are all in a position to be hated for one reason or another, condemn someone you will be judged with the same judgment you have used. None of us are righteous so making ourselves out to be better than others just shows our arrogance and pride.

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@sonhouse said
Hey you can do your climate change denial, but do it in your own back yard, don't preach you BS here, you didn't live through the biggest brushfire in American history, where an area bigger than my state of Pennsylvania burned down and we lived with the smoke for WEEKS, we could see it every day.
That is NOT just weather.
So take your climate denial and shove it ...[text shortened]... eard of and never will because you wouldn't believe them and clearly DON'T believe ANY of that work.
I bet you also do like those vegans and tell people to stop eating meat, because meat is destroying the planet ... 😀

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@Ponderable said
Suggest an experiment

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@Rajk999 said
So you seem to assert that there is no human -induced gloabl warming. You could suggest an experiment or a nice falsifiable hypothesis that explains the observations better.

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Right, like he would do that. Good luck.

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@Ponderable said
So you seem to assert that there is no human -induced gloabl warming. You could suggest an experiment or a nice falsifiable hypothesis that explains the observations better.
You start since you asserted first. Provide evidence that there is human induced global warming. From the literature and case studies there is so far no solid evidence that the activities of humans is the cause of global warming. Its all scientific gerrymandering, assertions and false correlations. In fact the situation is becoming so ridiculous that these global warming freaks are blaming meat-eaters for destroying the planet.

What there seems to be is a very small rise in sea level, while at the same time admitting that the method used to determine this small rise is not reliable. In addition the world has cycles of 100s of years during which there are unexplained rise in fall in temperature, rainfall, wind direction, ocean currents. There are far too many variables to make a blanket claim that global warming [if there is such a thing], is the result of human activities.

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