Are you ready for brain transparency?
Don't worry, he'll just move the goalpost and such because your link was to a reputable source. Can't have THAT can we?
@sonhouse saidSays the guy that moved the goalpost countless times during the pandemic.
Don't worry, he'll just move the goalpost and such because your link was to a reputable source. Can't have THAT can we?
No helmet on the moon? LOL!
@metal-brain saidHilarious MB ..... you really think that is proof ?? Best laugh I've had all year
No helmet on the moon? LOL!
I take your insults about moon landing fakes personally since I was there working on Apollo myself and saw the technology and you were not there but only relying on asssholes with an ax to grind.
You disgust me, you will do ANYTHING in your pathetic power to cast doubt on anything American and I have said many times you would be welcomed as a hero if you had the balls to move to Moscow but you have it really cushy here living in your mama's house putting out conspiracy theory after another because you are so stupid you actually believe the asssholes who come up with this crap.
Tell me, is the Earth round? Did the FBI kill Kennedy?