Here is one: If there IS a nuclear war, is it because your god WANTED one when it would have been easy for an alleged god to stop? Like why did this alleged god not stop the killing of hundreds of thousands in Nagasaki or Hiroshima? This god could not see what that would lead to, tens of thousands of weapons making those bombs look like firecrackers, why would this god allow that and do nothing to stop even the IDEA of using them?
@sonhouse saidWe live in a world where we have been given the ability to act out of love freely, which is good. For that to be a real choice the ability to do otherwise also must be ours to act on freely. I believe God gives us direction and signals to warn us as we are going the wrong direction, but He calls and we answer or not.
Here is one: If there IS a nuclear war, is it because your god WANTED one when it would have been easy for an alleged god to stop? Like why did this alleged god not stop the killing of hundreds of thousands in Nagasaki or Hiroshima? This god could not see what that would lead to, tens of thousands of weapons making those bombs look like firecrackers, why would this god allow that and do nothing to stop even the IDEA of using them?
I know some believe we have no choice, there are those who believe that due to chemistry we dance to our DNA, and some Thesis believe God makes a choice and that’s that we are loved or hated.
I believe God made us with the ability to respond to love and give it. So during the course of our lives we can actually make a decision about God, who is love, that is not just something He does but is. That completes us, redeems, repair, heal, and connects us once again to the Author of life itself.
It would not be some kind of majority deciding to fire nukes, it would be a VERY small contingent of military and leaders deciding that FOR us so why would god let that happen? IT ALREADY happened, so now it will be ten thousand times worse.
@sonhouse saidThis is a temporary existence everyone dies, but the author of life is eternal and we were designed to be in his image. There is more to this life than living and dying.
It would not be some kind of majority deciding to fire nukes, it would be a VERY small contingent of military and leaders deciding that FOR us so why would god let that happen? IT ALREADY happened, so now it will be ten thousand times worse.
We all originate from a single life form billions of years ago.