The Moon and Design

The Moon and Design



26 Dec 14
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Except design doesn't account for it either.

Sorry, but your argument boils down to 'I don't understand it therefore its design'. Bad argument.
I'm curious.....would you, or any other poster care to offer what evidence of God would be sufficient to accept it?

Would He need to spontaneously appear in front of you?

What if He turned a sunny day immediately to night?

Would you accept anything?

Or honestly....would your first instinct be to scientifically explain such things in what you already perceive to be a universe with no God? Or to simply brush it off as some sort of 'incident' that science will someday find the reason?

What would suffice?


26 Dec 14
11 Feb 17

The primary reason for the above question is to find out what evidence could be sufficient and be immediately accepted as God, without the rush to the lab, to explain away the 'anomaly' that occured.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
I'm curious.....would you, or any other poster care to offer what evidence of God would be sufficient to accept it?
Convincing evidence.

Would He need to spontaneously appear in front of you?

What if He turned a sunny day immediately to night?

Why would I attribute either of those events to the existence of a god?
What would god appearing in front of me look like? Is God some sort of physical entity? What colour is he? How would I know that the object in front of me was God and not my cat?

If a sunny day became night, I would suspect either an eclipse, smoke or blindness. Why would I attribute it to God?

Would you accept anything?
Yes. Convincing evidence that actually pointed towards the existence of God.

Or honestly....would your first instinct be to scientifically explain such things in what you already perceive to be a universe with no God?
Yes, that would be my first instinct for all unusual phenomena. And so far, it has always proved correct. I am yet to find a single phenomena that pointed towards the existence of God.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
The primary reason for the above question is to find out what evidence could be sufficient and be immediately accepted as God, without the rush to the lab, to explain away the 'anomaly' that occured.
Why must it be 'immediately accepted' and not studied and analysed?

Perhaps you could answer this one:
What evidence would convince you that aliens live amongst us?


26 Dec 14
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Convincing evidence.

[b]Would He need to spontaneously appear in front of you?

What if He turned a sunny day immediately to night?

Why would I attribute either of those events to the existence of a god?
What would god appearing in front of me look like? Is God some sort of physical entity? What colour is he? How would I know that the object in ...[text shortened]... s proved correct. I am yet to find a single phenomena that pointed towards the existence of God.[/b]
What is convincing evidence?

Can you provide an example?


26 Dec 14
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Convincing evidence.

[b]Would He need to spontaneously appear in front of you?

What if He turned a sunny day immediately to night?

Why would I attribute either of those events to the existence of a god?
What would god appearing in front of me look like? Is God some sort of physical entity? What colour is he? How would I know that the object in ...[text shortened]... s proved correct. I am yet to find a single phenomena that pointed towards the existence of God.[/b]
So, if an 'entity' appeared in front of you, from nowhere, that is normal to you?

14 Mar 15
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
I'm curious.....would you, or any other poster care to offer what evidence of God would be sufficient to accept it?

Would He need to spontaneously appear in front of you?

What if He turned a sunny day immediately to night?

Would you accept anything?

Or honestly....would your first instinct be to scientifically explain such things in what you alre ...[text shortened]... off as some sort of 'incident' that science will someday find the reason?

What would suffice?
What evidence of God 'not' existing would be sufficient for you to accept it?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
11 Feb 17
2 edits

Originally posted by chaney3
What is convincing evidence?
Evidence that convinces me.

Can you provide an example?
No, I don't think so. I can't think of anything that would be best explained as being evidence for the existence of God. (neither can you, which is why you had to lie about eclipses instead).

And this thread, by the way, has convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt that you are not a reliable source of information and generally haven't got a clue what you are talking about most of the time.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
So, if an 'entity' appeared in front of you, from nowhere, that is normal to you?
Well my son appears in front of me every morning.
But if you mean appearing in some strange way, then no, it is not normal by definition. But that doesn't mean it is God. I do not know anyone who believes God is a physical entity, so clearly that wouldn't even fit the normal definition.

If an entity appeared in front of you, would you:
1. believe it was God.
2. believe it was an alien.
3. believe it was a fairy.
4. swear to start drinking less.
5. take another swig in the hope it will go away.


06 Mar 12
11 Feb 17
3 edits

Originally posted by apathist
So the 'design' idea doesn't annoy you, but it is idiotic?

Where and when there is good evidence FOR design is the idea of it being designed NOT idiotic.
We have good evidence that cars are designed thus there is nothing idiotic about cars being designed.

Where and when there is good evidence AGAINST design is the idea of it being designed IS idiotic.
We have good evidence that modern species where NOT designed (evidence for evolution clearly implies NO design) thus it is idiotic to believe they are designed.

What part of that do you not comprehend?



27 Oct 08
11 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
While I was doing more study of uranium, I came across the Quantum Zeno Effect, which basically says that if you observe the nucleus of uranium, it will not change. Yet, once you walk away, it changes, as if it's aware you are watching and will do nothing until you leave.

Only design can account for this. Unless you want to give intellect to atoms, like you do for evolution.
Actually, we have a description for and explanation of the quantum Zeno effect that does not invoke design.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
What issue? Design doesn't annoy me and it doesn't 'strike a nerve' with me. Its an interesting topic when there is someone actually capable of rational discussion.
I didn't mean you personally. You can go on and on about pretty much anything, so your posts here do not indicate that a nerve was struck. But if the subject here didn't strike some nerves, at some level, even among science-minded non-believers, then this would be just another short thread that goes nowhere.

I think of dirt, I think of a cell, and wonder why and how the same collection of matter can be an incredibly organized and vital microcosm, or just some undifferentiated sludge. A human is between dust to dust, and I see the wonder in that. There is something going on besides just atoms bouncing around.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
12 Feb 17
1 edit

Originally posted by apathist
But if the subject here didn't strike some nerves, at some level, even among science-minded non-believers, then this would be just another short thread that goes nowhere.
I think you misunderstood what 'struck a nerve' with many people. I actually started posting in the forums many years ago because of push to teach creationism in the schools in the US and I felt I needed to speak up. I think several of the posters in this thread do have a legitimate concern about people who clearly know nothing about science trying to proove the existence of God via 'intelligent design'.

I think of dirt, I think of a cell, and wonder why and how the same collection of matter can be an incredibly organized and vital microcosm, or just some undifferentiated sludge. A human is between dust to dust, and I see the wonder in that. There is something going on besides just atoms bouncing around.
And I study the topic and am yet to conclude that design was involved. There is more going on besides just atoms bouncing around, but that 'more' is not design. Evolution is an incredibly complex phenomenon built on deceptively simple rules. I am also fascinated by fractals, biological reactions and how the brain works. Have you seen animations of what goes on in the cell? How order arises from chaos and how highly complex order arises is a fascinating topic. But it isn't design.

Many people do have the incorrect intuition that order cannot arise from chaos on its own, yet if we look around us, it happens all the time. My favourite example, is take a bottle, fill it with muddy water, shake it up, then leave it to stand. It will sort itself into different layers of materials due to nothing more than the influence of gravity.


26 Dec 14
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Evidence that convinces me.

[b]Can you provide an example?

No, I don't think so. I can't think of anything that would be best explained as being evidence for the existence of God. (neither can you, which is why you had to lie about eclipses instead).

And this thread, by the way, has convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt that you are not a re ...[text shortened]... rce of information and generally haven't got a clue what you are talking about most of the time.[/b]
You have proven your arrogance. You will never believe in a 'creator' because you think too much of yourself and your 'supposed' intelligence. You are proof of a human god.

You cannot even fathom a scenario of proof of God. Why is that? I suggested an 'entity' just appearing in front of you, from nowhere, and you compared it to your son.

Your limited mind will continue to fight against design, because you twhitehead, are your own god.

You are not open minded at all, as you previously lied, you are god.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
12 Feb 17
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
You have proven your arrogance. You will never believe in a 'creator' because you think too much of yourself and your 'supposed' intelligence. You are proof of a human god.
Nonsense. Just because you don't understand my answer it doesn't make me arrogant.

You cannot even fathom a scenario of proof of God. Why is that?
Neither can you apparently. Why is that?
I note that you haven't answered any of my questions and I note that you haven't yet apologised for all you lies and false accusations in this thread and I note that you haven't yet provided that reference I asked for ages ago. Why is that?

I suggested an 'entity' just appearing in front of you, from nowhere, and you compared it to your son.
'from nowhere'? How does one know where an entity that appears in front of you came from?

Your limited mind will continue to fight against design, because you twhitehead, are your own god.
So with your unlimited mind, please answer the questions I asked.

You are not open minded at all, as you previously lied, you are god.
I did not lie. Sorry to spoil your day, but between the two of us the only liar is you. (might I also recommend you get out a dictionary and look up what the word 'lie' actually means. It doesn't mean 'wrong' )

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