The Moon and Design

The Moon and Design


14 Mar 15
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
You have proven your arrogance. You will never believe in a 'creator' because you think too much of yourself and your 'supposed' intelligence. You are proof of a human god.

You cannot even fathom a scenario of proof of God. Why is that? I suggested an 'entity' just appearing in front of you, from nowhere, and you compared it to your son.

Your limit ...[text shortened]... ehead, are your own god.

You are not open minded at all, as you previously lied, you are god.
You are so fickle in your faith that, if twhitehead is indeed a god, you'll end up worshipping him at some point or another.


06 Mar 12
12 Feb 17
2 edits

Originally posted by chaney3
You have proven your arrogance. .
No, you have; thinking you understand what science is when you don't and thinking, despite the total absence of any evidence for any of this, humans are so special as to be created by a god who created the whole entire universe and that we are so incredibly special as to make him interested in our personal affairs. Much more humble to accept the evidence that we merely evolved from a species of hairy naked ape and thus a god almost certainly had absolutely nothing to do with it and we aren't so special as to attract the interest of a deity.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
What is convincing evidence?

Can you provide an example?
So a white haired dude appears before me from thin air. He says DON I AM GOD.

And starts doing amazing tricks, like he transports me and a sphere of our air to Mars and we fly over Mars for a while, then back to Earth.

Believe me now, the dude says?

So how am I supposed to figure out the difference between someone with tremendous technology behind him and a real god? Tell me that.


26 Dec 14
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
So a white haired dude appears before me from thin air. He says DON I AM GOD.

And starts doing amazing tricks, like he transports me and a sphere of our air to Mars and we fly over Mars for a while, then back to Earth.

Believe me now, the dude says?

So how am I supposed to figure out the difference between someone with tremendous technology behind him and a real god? Tell me that.
It is clear that you atheists will never believe!!!

No evidence will suffice!!!
You would rather believe in aliens or fairies first.

Very telling.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
It is clear that you atheists will never believe!!!

No evidence will suffice!!!
You would rather believe in aliens or fairies first.

Very telling.
You didn't answer my question, all you can do is start up with pejoratives.


26 Dec 14
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
You are so fickle in your faith that, if twhitehead is indeed a god, you'll end up worshipping him at some point or another.
Are you willing to answer the question on top of page 29?

If so, I will answer yours.


06 Mar 12
12 Feb 17
2 edits

Originally posted by chaney3
It is clear that you atheists will never believe!!!

No evidence will suffice!!!

False and, given there is unsurprisingly no evidence of a Goddidit anyway, also purely academic and irrelevant even if hypothetically it were true.

You would rather believe in aliens or fairies first.

we don't want to believe in alien or fairies in preference to gods/god.
Nevertheless, aliens (but not fairies) would be more credible than the gods/god because at least there being aliens doesn't require magic. Believing in magic like you do, at the very least without good evidence, is just plain STUPID.


26 Dec 14
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by humy
Both false and, given there is no evidence of a Goddidit anyway, purely academic and irrelevant.

You would rather believe in aliens or fairies first.

we don't want to believe in alien or fairies in preference to gods/god.
Nevertheless, aliens (but not fairies) would be more credible than the gods/god as at least there being aliens doesn't require magic. Believing in magic, at least without good evidence, is just plain STUPID.
Another 'open mind'.



06 Mar 12
12 Feb 17
3 edits

Originally posted by chaney3
Another 'open mind'.

Having blind faith in the existence of a magical god when there is no evidence for such a thing is more than being merely "open minded", if you can call it that; it is being delusional and STUPID.

I see, despite the evidence, you are still not open minded enough to consider the possibility of evolution and that your magic god doesn't exist.


You are the one that needs to be more open minded; just make sure it isn't more open minded in the stupid direction; note the 'stupid direction' here means any of the directions that involves unproven magic.


26 Dec 14
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by humy
Having blind faith in the existence of a magical god when there is no evidence for such a thing being more than "open minded" if you can call it that; it is being delusional and STUPID.

I see, despite the evidence, you are still not open minded enough to consider the possibility of evolution and that your magic god doesn't exist.

Evolution shows intellect.
Denial of this fact by severe atheists does not sway me.

Atheists believe that they themselves are god. Not popular, but true.

Or, you can simply explain to me, the wonders of the brain.

The brain you have chosen for complete self admiration.


06 Mar 12
12 Feb 17
2 edits

Originally posted by chaney3
Evolution shows intellect..
Atheists believe that they themselves are god.


Why make obvious lies? WHO do you believe you you are fooling here? You fool nobody.


26 Dec 14
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by humy
Atheists believe that they themselves are god.


Why make obvious lies? WHO are you trying to fool here?
Yes it does.


26 Dec 14
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by humy
Atheists believe that they themselves are god.


Why make obvious lies? WHO do you believe you you are fooling here? You fool nobody.
Let me ask you this:

If humans evolved from apes, then why are apes still present today? Surely they would have all evolved by now? Into humans?

I am preparing for your BS answer about different species of ape.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
It is clear that you atheists will never believe!!!
Certainly some atheists will not believe merely on the word of an anonymous poster on the internet who is a proven liar.

No evidence will suffice!!!
That is not the case. Certain evidence might suffice, but only good evidence. You are yet to even suggest what might be good evidence.

You would rather believe in aliens or fairies first.
They fit the evidence better. I have never heard of God appearing before someone, in fact, the bible quite clearly states that he cannot.

Your error is to think that 'God' is the best answer to any possible question. It isn't.

You also seem to think that lying, rudeness and false accusations is the best way to get your point across. It isn't.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
12 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Another 'open mind'.

If you open your mind too wide, your brain will fall out.

An 'open mind' can mean one of two things:
1. You believe any nonsense that comes your way.
2. You are willing to listen to arguments.

You, are neither. You believe some nonsense, but only the nonsense that suits you. You do not listen to anyone.

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