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Clubs consultation thread II

Clubs consultation thread II

Site Ideas

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Originally posted by Superman
I understand and agree that it is not limited to positive feedback.

I would say that clubs can be a different group of players with wich you interact in the RHP community, since it has its own rating system it differs from clans, and also it is not competitive club vs club, like clans are.

Its like the feeling of your own community inside RHP, and th ...[text shortened]... e club members that are not sub to play in it. and with more income then we can have more admin.
I suppose if you think it's desirable to further fragment the RHP community into small (or not so small) groups, then it makes sense. I suppose if you want to further reduce the importance of clan v. clan play, then it makes sense.

Why those goals are important to the Site Admins, I don't know.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I ...... to further fragment the RHP community into small (or not so small) groups, then it makes sense.

......further reduce the importance of clan v. clan play, then it makes sense.

Why those goals are important to the Site Admins, I don't know.
I dont see how it can reduce those things you mention, and i don't think its the site admins goals, I think its all the opposite to what you say.

Anyway I think Russ had a good idea, keep on the good work.

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Originally posted by Superman
I dont see how it can reduce those things you mention, and i don't think its the site admins goals, I think its all the opposite to what you say.

Anyway I think Russ had a good idea, keep on the good work.
You don't see how creating further smaller communities within RHP doesn't fragment the RHP community? It does by definition.

You don't see how creating another outlet where a bunch of non-clan games can be played which give a player an extra rating doesn't reduce the importance of clan games and clan affiliations? That might be true if players play unlimited games, but I'm pretty sure at some point players will have to reduce their clan games if they decide to actively participate in "club tournaments" and such as you are proposing.

So if the Site Admins goals are the "opposite" of further fragmenting the RHP community and reducing the importance of clan competition as you claim, they are going about it in an odd manner.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
You don't see how creating further smaller communities within RHP doesn't fragment the RHP community? It does by definition.

You don't see how creating another outlet where a bunch of non-clan games can be played which give a player an extra rating doesn't reduce the importance of clan games and clan affiliations? That might be true if importance of clan competition as you claim, they are going about it in an odd manner.
As long as we are not in the same group (CLUB) that will make my day ! RHP is already fragmented with the clans...I have seen names going in the clubs, that I never saw, in the clans. I believe this will be a good thing. Please stay in the Clan or clans you are in !

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
As long as we are not in the same group (CLUB) that will make my day ! RHP is already fragmented with the clans...I have seen names going in the clubs, that I never saw, in the clans. I believe this will be a good thing. Please stay in the Clan or clans you are in !
Your childish attacks aside, I fail to see how further fragmentation of the RHP community is desirable.

I'll join whatever clans and/or clubs I desire; you don't have any say in it.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Your childish attacks aside, I fail to see how further fragmentation of the RHP community is desirable.

I'll join whatever clans and/or clubs I desire; you don't have any say in it.
LOL @ your big adult attitude....ROFLMAO...I still can't believe you are actually a lawyer !!

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
LOL @ your big adult attitude....ROFLMAO...I still can't believe you are actually a lawyer !!
I find it hard to believe you are so petty.

Do you have any on-topic responses?

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I find it hard to believe you are so petty.

Do you have any on-topic responses?
They have already been given if you would pay attention, instead of pretending to be a big time trial lawyer. If you could see past your nose, you might understand what is going on. Probably the reason you are so well liked here huh ?

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
They have already been given if you would pay attention, instead of pretending to be a big time trial lawyer. If you could see past your nose, you might understand what is going on. Probably the reason you are so well liked here huh ?
If you've already discussed the actual topic of the thread as much as you would like, further off-topic posts which consist of nothing but personal attacks are a waste of time.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
If you've already discussed the actual topic of the thread as much as you would like, further off-topic posts which consist of nothing but personal attacks are a waste of time.
Practice what you preach. You are like the kettle calling the pot black !

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Can someone just move the keyboards _away_ from these two??!

It seems to me that the point of the Club system is to get like minded people together (like clans), give them a sense of identity - e.g. "We are Scots/Eskimos/Veterans/Hippies" - like clans. And then to expand on thus and strengthen it by choosing to focus on internal games and not endless external ones against random groups of other Brits/Lawyers/SelfLovers.

If this means that I will never have to play Number1 or Rusty because the don't fit the criteria of my club(s) then I am all for them!

Isn't it pointless to be arguing over whether the club system should exist when it already does anyway?

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I suppose if you think it's desirable to further fragment the RHP community into small (or not so small) groups, then it makes sense. I suppose if you want to further reduce the importance of clan v. clan play, then it makes sense.

Why those goals are important to the Site Admins, I don't know.
Just to bring this thread back to the topic... and it's a damn good point no1's making!

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Originally posted by Amsterdamn
Just to bring this thread back to the topic... and it's a damn good point no1's making!
We have a community now in thw *Pawn*Stars* of people who get on and are reluctant to skull people because we have chance to understand what that persons circumstance is.

If I had a suggestion it would be to make teams from each of the clubs and play in an OTB type league similar to the football leagues here in Europe.

just an idea, but it would break down any barriers that you are concerned with.


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Originally posted by howitzer
Can someone just move the keyboards _away_ from these two??!

It seems to me that the point of the Club system is to get like minded people together (like clans), give them a sense of identity - e.g. "We are Scots/Eskimos/Veterans/Hippies" - like clans. And then to expand on thus and strengthen it by choosing to focus on internal games and not endless ex intless to be arguing over whether the club system should exist when it already does anyway?
Russ stated in his initial post regarding clubs:

The 'clubs' concept can go forward in any direction, adopted wholeheartedly, or be erased completely if it proves to have no merit. So please don't be too upset if this all gets canned in the future.

So no, I don't think questioning the need for their existence is "pointless".

As far as I know, no one ever has to play another player on this site if they don't want to. To me clubs are redundant to clans; I suppose if you wanted to you could only play other members of your clans. All this gets you is an extra rating which means very little.

The other point I would make is it seems to require extra code that is taking up some substantial portion of the Site Admins' time. Is this really the most efficient allocation of such?

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Originally posted by howitzer
Isn't it pointless to be arguing over whether the club system should exist when it already does anyway?
No, it isn't. The fact that it exists now doesn't necessarily mean it will exist in the future. It doesn't seem likely at this point, but to quote Russ: "The 'clubs' concept can go forward in any direction, adopted wholeheartedly, or be erased completely if it proves to have no merit. So please don't be too upset if this all gets canned in the future."?*

I agree with the concerns about fragmenting the community. The only thing I find potentially attractive about clubs are the private fora, but they are also what I think could hurt the community most. Even though I like the private clan fora for various reasons, I believe that they have had a somewhat negative influence on the public fora, especially the clan forum, and that they have furthered the forming of cliques. With more and bigger private fora, I predict that it will get (even more) difficult to find interesting discussions, as many of them will be taken to private fora; and more people will retreat mostly or entirely to private fora.

*: Oops, I am a bit slow today...

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