Brothers and sisters, a mere two hundred years of industrial society has been sufficient to bring the world to the brink of ecological destruction. The signs of the coming apocalypse are everywhere to see: global warming, super storms, rising sea levels, droughts, enormous wildfires, pollution, habitat loss, accelerating species extinction, all coupled with an unsustainable human population growth. Indeed, the anthropocene is shaping up to an epoch of destruction not seen since the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. But there are two differences between that event and our current situation. The first is that we know it's coming. The second is that we have the ability to stop it from happening. At least in theory.
It seems abundantly clear, though, that mankind's major religions, which were founded by pre-industrial societies, are wholly incapable of addressing the looming crisis. They have done nothing to stem the tide of ecological destruction. It also seems clear that sweeping the old religions away in favor of an unfettered science isn't going to produce any better results. Science, as an amoral institution, has played a leading role in bringing us to the brink of ecological ruin. And as long as science continues to dance to the tune played by global capitalism, it will continue to facilitate that ongoing destruction. The false prophets of progress continually assure us that we will innovate our way out of the crisis, but their prophesies become more and more implausible with each passing year.
What is needed is a new religion. A religion that isn't continually at odds with science. A religion that meshes seamlessly with scientific knowledge, while steering science away from being the willing accomplice of ecological destruction. That religion, brothers and sisters, is pantheism. Only a religion that holds the universe, and especially the earth, to be sacred can provide the moral foundation to enable mankind to alter the destructive path to which global capitalism has hitherto bound us. Only pantheism can provide the moral underpinning for science to say not merely what can be done, but what ought to be done. Only pantheism can jolt us from our long slumber to realize that pollution, mountain top removal, fracking, and a host of other extractivist assaults upon the earth are all blasphemies that can no longer be tolerated. When that day arrives we can begin to alter our path away from the looming ecological apocalypse. But time is short, brothers and sisters. We need to quickly realize that what we do to the earth, we ultimately do to ourselves.
Originally posted by @rwingettSo you are asking for something to be created between the ears of man, to spin to make
Brothers and sisters, a mere two hundred years of industrial society has been sufficient to bring the world to the brink of ecological destruction. The signs of the coming apocalypse are everywhere to see: global warming, super storms, rising sea levels, droughts, enormous wildfires, pollution, habitat loss, accelerating species extinction, all coupled wit ...[text shortened]... sisters. We need to quickly realize that what we do to the earth, we ultimately do to ourselves.
you feel good about the way things are, and the way they are going to be, you have itching
Originally posted by @kellyjayHow does your religion differ from that? At least we know the earth exists. As our lives depend upon it remaining habitable, regarding it as sacred would seem to be entirely appropriate.
So you are asking for something to be created between the ears of man, to spin to make
you feel good about the way things are, and the way they are going to be, you have itching
Originally posted by @rwingettNo religion.
Brothers and sisters, a mere two hundred years of industrial society has been sufficient to bring the world to the brink of ecological destruction. The signs of the coming apocalypse are everywhere to see: global warming, super storms, rising sea levels, droughts, enormous wildfires, pollution, habitat loss, accelerating species extinction, all coupled wit ...[text shortened]... sisters. We need to quickly realize that what we do to the earth, we ultimately do to ourselves.
Vast emptiness, nothing holy😵
Originally posted by @rwingettGod's part in it. There are plenty of things that are written not pleasing to my ears, but are
How does your religion differ from that? At least we know the earth exists. As our lives depend upon it remaining habitable, regarding it as sacred would seem to be entirely appropriate.
true nonetheless. Are you not asking for a man made religion to make yourself feel good
about the way things are, and for a man made remedy to solve the problems that are
So you are seeking something from between the ears of man, not because you are not
getting an ear full of those now, but you want to anoint these new/old ideas and turn them
into a religion for whatever purpose you think that will fulfill.
Originally posted by @rwingettBefore I forget, nice debating you again! 🙂
Brothers and sisters, a mere two hundred years of industrial society has been sufficient to bring the world to the brink of ecological destruction. The signs of the coming apocalypse are everywhere to see: global warming, super storms, rising sea levels, droughts, enormous wildfires, pollution, habitat loss, accelerating species extinction, all coupled wit ...[text shortened]... sisters. We need to quickly realize that what we do to the earth, we ultimately do to ourselves.
Originally posted by @kellyjayAll religions are man made. Yours is no exception. But I am not asking for pantheism to be adopted in order to make anyone feel good about the way things are. Quite the opposite. It's to make them outraged at the way things are. The solution to our problems, if there is one, will be man made, as pantheism does not posit any supernatural beings to solve them for us.
God's part in it. There are plenty of things that are written not pleasing to my ears, but are
true nonetheless. Are you not asking for a man made religion to make yourself feel good
about the way things are, and for a man made remedy to solve the problems that are
So you are seeking something from between the ears of man, not because you are n ...[text shortened]... e new/old ideas and turn them
into a religion for whatever purpose you think that will fulfill.
Originally posted by @rwingettSo you say. That doesn't make it true. Man made and one with God in it would have God's
All religions are man made. Yours is no exception. But I am not asking for pantheism to be adopted in order to make anyone feel good about the way things are. Quite the opposite. It's to make them outraged at the way things are. The solution to our problems, if there is one, will be man made, as pantheism does not posit any supernatural beings to solve them for us.
finger prints on it in ways that man couldn't come up with on his own, nor would it glorify
man in such away that puts man equal too God. All of the man made religions have man's
efforts central to the glory of man, making man worthy after a sort, or just plain denying
the need for such things. The one with God, God does not share His glory, nor does He
permit it to be usurped by man in any fashion or shape. So man's efforts to be good
enough always fail, man working towards being worthy always fail, man being the center
of all that is God's always fails, it is God's kingdom, not ours.
Originally posted by @kellyjayNobody cares. The question is why has Christianity done such a poor job opposing environmental degradation? And whether pantheism would do a better job.
So you say. That doesn't make it true. Man made and one with God in it would have God's
finger prints on it in ways that man couldn't come up with on his own, nor would it glorify
man in such away that puts man equal too God. All of the man made religions have man's
efforts central to the glory of man, making man worthy after a sort, or just plain denyi ...[text shortened]... ys fail, man being the center
of all that is God's always fails, it is God's kingdom, not ours.
Originally posted by @rwingettYou answered your own question in the OP: it's because Christianity is an ancient, "pre-industrial" belief system, and one that needs to be replaced with a belief system that blends seamlessly with science, unlike Christianity.
Nobody cares. The question is why has Christianity done such a poor job opposing environmental degradation? And whether pantheism would do a better job.
As for pantheism, it probably would do a better job with the environment.