@fmf saidYou have that right.
This is my perspective on what I saw when I watched one of your "Fireside Chat" videos.
Tell us more about it.
All about your perspective . . .
a group of obsequious narcissists talking about how lovely their thoughts about themselves and each other were.
I didn't see any narcissism in any of the videos I put up. I saw Christian brothers honoring one another. For the NT says "count others more excellent then yourselves" (Phil. 2:3)
Why shouldn't thought centered on and focused Jesus Christ be lovely thoughts?
He's the lovely One.
I saw agape love among Christian brothers and honoring each other according to the exhortation of Christ
@fmf saidRefer to me the minute and time span where you think the MOST narcissistic behavior occurred in any of the videos you watched.
We shall just have to agree to disagree on this, then.
Do you have specific examples of this you want me to consider ?
Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with mutual appreciation and honoring one another. After all this Christian life is not designed well for anyone to be completely independent and individualistic. The Christian life is designed by God so that brothers and sisters mutually depend upon each other for encouragement.
Maybe you viewed that mutual high regard and said to yourself "Aha! Some great narcissisms you guys have."
@sonship saidNo.
Refer to me the minute and time span where you think the MOST narcissistic behavior occurred in any of the videos you watched.
I just wanted to share my perspective and signsl that I had watched one of your thoroughly creepy "Fireside Chats". That's all.
If other posters think I am mistaken, so be it.
It is not at all creepy that university students inundated with half truths and false information about God from all sides would want to have their questions discussed.
Maybe your invariably finding SOMETHING objectionable about human beings longing for a deeper relationship with God, is creepy.
I admire that these brothers (and the first group of three were professional therapists or doctors) - said they may not have answers. But they would have responses.
What is creepy about students submitting questions to Christians with perhaps more experience and professional clinical training too?
What is creepy about those responding to those questions admitting that collectively, between them all, one might find some useful encouragement if not complete "answers" ?
You say you were once a Christian. If someone came to you with a question did you at that time think that was a creepy thing ? No one ever came to you asking about the Christian life? Did you turn all such away because of the creepiness of the situation?
@sonship saidCan someone asking me a question be "a creepy thing"? Not necessarily, no. It can be. It might not be. You pretending, now, here, that I have suggested that "asking a question" is, in and of itself "a creepy thing" is such a clumsy strawman.
You say you were once a Christian. If someone came to you with a question did you at that time think that was a creepy thing ?
No, I do not think these fellas show the signs of Narcissism.
One of the characteristics of narcissistic personality is the inability to empathize with other people.
These three men I think clearly are able to empathize with other people, especially the ones putting questions to them.