@ghost-of-a-duke saidI am saying to you that your stance on this now is as ludicrous as when Philokalia claimed that Romans1009's posting was OK because it was only mirroring yours.
Heated posts were reciprocal between the two of you. Are you saying that wasn't the case?
-Removed-I don't think Philokalia has thought too hard about what significance thumbs down actually have because he seems to have somewhat of ~ to borrow a term he uses ~ he has a "snowflake" attitude to them.
Here's an exchange from earlier on this thread:
@Kegge said
You are a pompous [PROFANITY] and [PROFANITY] and [PROFANITY]
@FMF said
Well, OK. You can say that if you want, but please don't thumb me down, Philokalia might see it.
@Kegge said
I don't need to thumb you down because I say straight to your face what I think of you: you're a horrible person.
@FMF said
Thanks. Because Philokalia doesn't seem to care how the people he endorses post but he does seem to count the thumbs down.
He believes that a few Thumbs Down by a few of the people here ~ presumably even if they are rather silly blowhards of the calibre of the likes of chaney3, KingDavid403, Kegge, SecondSon, petewxyz or Suzianne ~ that an "adult" should simply change the way they post and and what they post. Fascinating. It must be Philokalia's recipe for playing to the gallery and achieving message board popularity.
22 Jul 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidSo you stopped defending your friend, we shall call her "her" - when you were in a disagreement about her which you were having with other friends of yours - because one of them said he thought you were naive... or was it that you stopped defending her [when she wasn't there] because you simply didn't want to defend her anymore?
I seem to recall the word 'naive.'
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWhy aren't you still defending her in our group - where she is not around to defend herself?
It was the demonstration that he asked for that I stand by friends when they are not around to defend themselves. I do that on and off the forum and will continue to do so.
We had already agreed to disagree and I had even called your stance admirable and virtuous.
You're not defending her there anymore because you stormed off.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWhy did you deliberately reveal something earlier on this thread - something which I have never said in public, not once, not for ten years or more, because I did not want to hurt her feelings?
When somebody is brave enough to share deeply personal things about themselves in a public forum why is it necessary to accuse them of lying?
Why did you do that?
Only two people knew it, and you both knew exactly why I was exercising that restraint.
Why did you reveal it in public?
Was that protecting/defending her?
Was it in order to deliberately hurt her feelings and by doing so make you feel better about the turn of events?