11 Jul 19
@kellyjay saidI dont know what level of education you have but mine tells me that eternal punishment is not the same as eternal torment.
Matthew 25:45-46 English Standard Version (ESV)
Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Jude 1:7
just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immoral ...[text shortened]... t you need to see, just read the scriptures, our opinions are meaningless compared to the scripture.
11 Jul 19
@rajk999 saidWouldn't "eternal punishment" be more likely to be: 'you die and that's it, forever, no everlasting life for you'? The notion of "eternal torment" that the likes of sonship and KellyJay support with their various versions of the 'It is because it is' "arguments" has the added disadvantage of being morally coherent.
I dont know what level of education you have but mine tells me that eternal punishment is not the same as eternal torment.
@philokalia saidThe torturer god ideology rationale seems to be pieced together from various 'It is because it is' arguments. No one here has ever offered a coherent rationale on either a moral level or even a plain practical level.
What is the purpose of anything really, then?
If we wish to not see the rationale in something, it is not difficult.
@fmf saidEternal punishment is simply punishment [in this case destruction] which is final and will not be reversed. There are some types of punishment which is ends in life. The concept of purgatory is one such example. The idea of purgatory is in the bible. Eternal punishment is not eternal torment.
Wouldn't "eternal punishment" be more likely to be: 'you die and that's it, forever, no everlasting life for you'? The notion of "eternal torment" that the likes of sonship and KellyJay support with their various versions of the 'It is because it is' "arguments" has the added disadvantage of being morally coherent.
@philokalia saidAnyone who sees the rationale for eternally tormenting non Christians are badly screwed up people.
What is the purpose of anything really, then?
If we wish to not see the rationale in something, it is not difficult.
@rajk999 saidYou don’t spend time reading scripture your knowledge about grace and eternal punishment are both lacking. You think when we are told punishment eternal is only for a short time? You realize with God who is timeless a day is no different than a thousand years? If God judges you worthy of punishment in eternity, that is what you will be punished throughout eternity. Now only in this life do we have opportunity to repent by the grace of God.
Eternal punishment is simply punishment [in this case destruction] which is final and will not be reversed. There are some types of punishment which is ends in life. The concept of purgatory is one such example. The idea of purgatory is in the bible. Eternal punishment is not eternal torment.
@rajk999 saidSinners not saved by God’s grace will be cast into the flames of hell, this will also include those who call themselves Christian without Jesus Christ in their lives.
Anyone who sees the rationale for eternally tormenting non Christians are badly screwed up people.
He is the door into God’s Kingdom, the Way, Truth, and Life no one comes to the Father except through Him.
@kellyjay saidYou can post your church doctrine all you like and I know you are accustomed to doing that, but this is not your church where everybody nods in agreement like sheep when the pastor speaks nonsense.
Sinners not saved by God’s grace will be cast into the flames of hell, this will also include those who call themselves Christian without Jesus Christ in their lives.
He is the door into God’s Kingdom, the Way, Truth, and Life no one comes to the Father except through Him.
@kellyjay saidThe bible says those who are cast out of the Kingdom of God are destroyed.
You don’t spend time reading scripture your knowledge about grace and eternal punishment are both lacking. You think when we are told punishment eternal is only for a short time? You realize with God who is timeless a day is no different than a thousand years? If God judges you worthy of punishment in eternity, that is what you will be punished throughout eternity. Now only in this life do we have opportunity to repent by the grace of God.
Your God is evil. Your church is astray and your pastor is a fraud.