@kellyjay saidI did tell you how I reached my conclusions. Respond to that. Don't just keep asking me to type it out again.
I find them lacking in anything other that you telling me what you think not how you come to the conclusions you have reached which is really all I have been asking for.
@kellyjay saidIt's been just in these last few weeks and there were not "countless things". My posts were cogent and addressed every one of your comments head-on. February, March, this year. Posts you ostensibly read and are now pretending you have no memory of. This act you are putting on is no different in its purpose than your trademark discursive foetus positions.
No, I'm not going over the countless things we have said in the past to each other, if you want to post them again do it. If not I guess for you it isn't important enough either.
@divegeester saidFourth bump for the elusive Whodey...
I don’t believe anyone would make such a statement, I suspect you have made it up yourself.
@fmf saidWhen you were a so-called Christian what universal morality did you have, how did you know right from wrong, why did you walk away from it, were you really a Christian in the first place and now you are an atheist what keeps you from rapping babies?
This is like a verbatim aping of Fetchmyjunk/dj2becker's passive-aggressive gimmick.
@fmf saidAssuming the God of the Bible was in fact real, would someone’s claim that He is real also be subjective in this case by your way of thinking?
Speculation about supernatural things is all entirely subjective. Anyone can claim their god or gods are "the real ones". Literally anyone; literally any god or gods.
Even your threats of demented never ending divine retribution against those you think "the real one" is not the same as your "the real one" doesn't make your claims seem any more "true" or, indeed, anything other than subjective and speculative.
@divegeester saidWhat’s wrong with rapping about babies?
When you were a so-called Christian what universal morality did you have, how did you know right from wrong, why did you walk away from it, were you really a Christian in the first place and now you are an atheist what keeps you from rapping babies?
@fmf saidIf your opinions about the supernatural are also purely subjective, how do you know for sure that it is always true that ‘speculation about supernatural things is all entirely subjective’?
Speculation about supernatural things is all entirely subjective. Anyone can claim their god or gods are "the real ones". Literally anyone; literally any god or gods.
Even your threats of demented never ending divine retribution against those you think "the real one" is not the same as your "the real one" doesn't make your claims seem any more "true" or, indeed, anything other than subjective and speculative.
He asked you what is wrong with rapping about babies.
Or are you all talking about raping babies?
You mean FMF has no answer ?
You have none either ?
How the mighty have fallen!
Let him ask me.
The human conscience across multiple cultures, accross multiple nations, across multiple eras and times and traditions that taking advantage of babies in that way is repulsive. Unless the conscience is seared as with a hot iron to be completely insensitive.
Something innate in man protests and leaves him with no peace to rape babies. Yet that is no garuantee that such will never happen.
So then, if it is near universally hated, yet it is in fact occasionally done, what is wrong ?
What is wrong is that though man agrees with something of evil to be avoided, sometimes he doesn't have the power to resist it. He has a knowledge of good and evil. But he too often lacks the life POWER to carry out the good that he knows or resist the evil that he knows.
Something drags him down too often. Something of a foreign element IN his being corrupts his better judgment driving him to commit the evil that he hates, driving him not to be strong enough to do the good that he loves.
His design is not accompanied with the vitality to act according to his design. From this man needs a salvation, a remedy, a rescuing.
From this man needs an answer for the GUILT of his actions.
And he needs an answer for the powerlessness of life which prevents him from living up to what he agrees with in his conscience.