Born this way

Born this way


Secret RHP coder

on the payroll

26 Nov 04
06 Apr 21
1 edit

@kevcvs57 said
No your right homosexuals do seem to be born that way and as you point out so do some mentally ill people.
However the ‘born that way’ defence should not be abandoned when discussing the subject with Christians or any other religious group. If they believe that God created us then they have to accept that God created homosexuals and psychopaths.
It goes to their claim abou ...[text shortened]... y to treat them with as much respect as they can whilst protecting wider society from their actions.
You may use that argument if you like. I see it as 1) letting the adversary control the terms of the debate and 2) not getting to the heart of the issue.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
06 Apr 21

@bigdoggproblem said
You may use that argument if you like. I see it as 1) letting the adversary control the terms of the debate and 2) not getting to the heart of the issue.
I would say exactly the opposite because it’s an argument that is impossible for the adversary to answer whilst maintaining their own internal logic.
As I say it’s only use is as a rebuffing of the ‘it’s not natural argument’ put forward by some Christians who try to find support for their biblically based judgement in a misuse of the term ‘natural’.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
06 Apr 21
2 edits

@divegeester said
Okay. I think you may be addressing your post me under a misunderstanding that I’m defending the victimisation of homosexuals. I’m simple pointing to what written in the Bible as being that which informs many Christians of what attitude to adopt with homosexuals.
Well I was trying to point out that an agnostic or atheist cannot and should not argue for not discriminating against gay people or any other self identified group by even trying to appeal to the book that is the root source their discrimination and bigotry.
But if they want to tie themselves in knots trying to make a real world argument from a fictional account of reality they are more than welcome to go blue in the face with it.



04 Apr 04
06 Apr 21
1 edit

@kevcvs57 said
Well I was trying to point out that an agnostic or atheist cannot and should not argue for not discriminating against gay people or any other self identified group by even trying to appeal to the book that is the root source their discrimination and bigotry.
But if they want to tie themselves in knots trying to make a real world argument from a fictional account of reality they are more than welcome to go blue in the face with it.
Gays are their own worse enemy. God is against them and although that means nothing to an atheist, in real life one can observe the dire consequences and end result of ignoring God. Some time in the 80s the gays started NAMBLA, a pedophile organization with the aim of legalising gay sex between boys and men. Since that time there have been a string of negative activities associated with the promotion of their cause. Now the latest fiasco is that they are encouraging children as young a 5 to explore their sexuality and sexual preferences by encouraging them to decide whether or not they would like to have a sex change. There are even schools with these sickos trying to encourage kids to do this. So while there are some gays who are using their freedom to live and marry as they please and are even accepted by society, there are many disgusting ones [that need a bullet in their head], who are pushing for encouraging kids to adopt their damned lifestyle.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
06 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
Gays are their own worse enemy. God is against them and although that means nothing to an atheist, in real life one can observe the dire consequences and end result of ignoring God. Some time in the 80s the gays started NAMBLA, a pedophile organization with the aim of legalising gay sex between boys and men. Since that time there have been a string of negative activities a ...[text shortened]... need a bullet in their head], who are pushing for encouraging kids to adopt their damned lifestyle.
You got issues Rajk999. I hope you can settle your ghosts and approach life with love in your heart at some point in the future.



04 Apr 04
06 Apr 21

@avalanchethecat said
You got issues Rajk999. I hope you can settle your ghosts and approach life with love in your heart at some point in the future.
Everyone in the world has issues. Your failure to address the points made is obvious because you resort to speaking about me. I never discuss you. I speak about the issue at hand. Try it.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
06 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
Everyone in the world has issues. Your failure to address the points made is obvious because you resort to speaking about me. I never discuss you. I speak about the issue at hand. Try it.
What are you on about?



04 Apr 04
06 Apr 21

@avalanchethecat said
What are you on about?
The issue at hand. Discuss that. Typical signs of a failed attempt to argue a point is discussing the man and ignoring the issues.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
06 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
The issue at hand. Discuss that. Typical signs of a failed attempt to argue a point is discussing the man and ignoring the issues.
The issue at hand is your unexplained intolerance of homosexual men.



04 Apr 04
06 Apr 21

@avalanchethecat said
The issue at hand is your unexplained intolerance of homosexual men.
There you go, playing the man, because the issues which I have raised are beyond your understanding

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
07 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
There you go, playing the man, because the issues which I have raised are beyond your understanding
Yes, I daresay you're right, I'm surely a mental-midget in comparison to your vast intellect.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
07 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
Gays are their own worse enemy. God is against them and although that means nothing to an atheist, in real life one can observe the dire consequences and end result of ignoring God. Some time in the 80s the gays started NAMBLA, a pedophile organization with the aim of legalising gay sex between boys and men. Since that time there have been a string of negative activities a ...[text shortened]... need a bullet in their head], who are pushing for encouraging kids to adopt their damned lifestyle.
What a surprise rak is more fascist than Christian 😊 who knew 🤷🏻‍♂️


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
07 Apr 21
1 edit

@rajk999 said
The issue at hand. Discuss that. Typical signs of a failed attempt to argue a point is discussing the man and ignoring the issues.
You didn’t have a point though did you. It was nothing more than a rabid homophobic’s stream of consciousness spewed onto a keyboard.


28 Oct 05
07 Apr 21

The opposition to Rajk999's religious beliefs is now well and truly in the domain of his supposed thoughtcrimes.

He said that he doesn't have any objection to sitting down with gay people and sharing a meal and a drink and a conversation ~ or certainly doesn't because they are gay.

So there is that.

Specifically, what policies and ideologies popular and emerging, radical or otherwise, on "the left" that relate to matters of sexuality, gender, children etc, must he endorse or condone in order to satisfy those who do not share but do criticize his religious beliefs?

He listed some concerns. Nobody addressed them. Suddenly it was about his thoughtcrimes and no one delved into his concerns.

Does it go without saying that he must simply accept and condone anything and everything that is going on?



04 Apr 04
07 Apr 21

@kevcvs57 said
What a surprise rak is more fascist than Christian 😊 who knew 🤷🏻‍♂️
Here we go again. Yet another blind supporter of homosexuality who cannot handle the truth, and refuse to comment on the dire consequences for society when homosexuals and deviants are given too much leeway. i gave just two examples
- The indoctrination of kids.

Rather that address the issue they resort to name-calling.

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