Born this way

Born this way


Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
08 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
Cherrypicking from a nonsense bible inspired by a fake God ?
Here is what Jesus said:

[i]When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. Then spake Jesus again unto them ...[text shortened]... ess and trying to force decent god-fearing people to join you on your path to damnation. Bon voyage.
Jesus himself, of course, never mentioned homosexuality. One thing that certainly got him riled up though was using the bible as an excuse to attack others. I'd quote, but I'm sure you're familiar with Matthew 7:1-5.



04 Apr 04
08 Apr 21
1 edit

@avalanchethecat said
Jesus himself, of course, never mentioned homosexuality. One thing that certainly got him riled up though was using the bible as an excuse to attack others. I'd quote, but I'm sure you're familiar with Matthew 7:1-5.
I just love it when professed atheists who condemn God, Christ and everyhting in the bible get desperate and start quoting the bible to me ... lol 😀 Twice in the same thread ... There is a God !!

First of all, I have not condemned any homosexual which is what Jesus speaks of in Matt 7. I have to the contrary said clearly that I can and will treat them with the same respect and decency with which I treat all people. I do that because I recognise that it is part of their DNA make-up. God will deal with their individual sins, as Jesus suggested.

That is a completely separate matter when gays as a group, have lobbied for legalising sex between men and boys, as in the case of NAMBLA some time ago. I condemn that and I have every right to do that.

Similarly in the case of LGBT organisation trying to teach 5 yr olds to cross-dress and undergo sex-change surgery and trying to get the govt to pass legislation to change sex-ed classes in schools to encourage homosexuality. I am against that.

I am within my rights as a Christian to do that and any Christian who falls under social pressure to accept these things are damn fools.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
08 Apr 21
2 edits

@rajk999 said
I just love it when professed atheists who condemn God, Christ and everyhting in the bible get desperate and start quoting the bible to me ... lol 😀 Twice in the same thread ... There is a God !!

First of all, I have not condemned any homosexual which is what Jesus speaks of in Matt 7. I have to the contrary said clearly that I can and will treat them with the same resp ...[text shortened]... to do that and any Christian who falls under social pressure to accept these things are damn fools.
You conflate separate issues. Has anybody here ever spoken in favour of paedophilia? Do you really think that sex education for children - something that has been conclusively shown to reduce teen pregnancy and spread of STIs - is some sort of conspiracy to encourage homosexuality?

As for atheists quoting the bible to you, we only do it because you seem to have forgotten certain parts. Further, you appear to be lying; I have never spoken a word against Jesus Christ.



04 Apr 04
08 Apr 21

@avalanchethecat said
You conflate separate issues. Has anybody here ever spoken in favour of paedophilia? Do you really think that sex education for children - something that has been conclusively shown to reduce teen pregnancy and spread of STIs - is some sort of conspiracy to encourage homosexuality?

As for atheists quoting the bible to you, we only do it because you seem to have for ...[text shortened]... ten certain parts. Further, you appear to be lying; I have never spoken a word against Jesus Christ.
Here? Are we talking about homosexuals here on this forum ? A homosxual organisation called NAMBLA have spoken in favour of pedeophaiia. Another organisation LBGT has spoken in favour of providing sex change for kids. Both are disgusting.

The only people who have forgotten parts of the bible are so-called Christians who support and side with these corrupt organisations.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
08 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
Here? Are we talking about homosexuals here on this forum ? A homosxual organisation called NAMBLA have spoken in favour of pedeophaiia. Another organisation LBGT has spoken in favour of providing sex change for kids. Both are disgusting.

The only people who have forgotten parts of the bible are so-called Christians who support and side with these corrupt organisations.
No. A paedophile organisation. And another organisation which I don't know about and it sounds like you don't either or you would no doubt have told us all. Stop trying to conflate homosexuality with paedophilia, that is disingenuous and throroughly despicable.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
09 Apr 21

@rajk999 said
Name calling, labelling and abuse, rather than dealing with the issues raised. Is that the best you can muster ?
You haven’t raised any issues though have you. What are these issues of which you speak.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
09 Apr 21
1 edit

@rajk999 said
Here? Are we talking about homosexuals here on this forum ? A homosxual organisation called NAMBLA have spoken in favour of pedeophaiia. Another organisation LBGT has spoken in favour of providing sex change for kids. Both are disgusting.

The only people who have forgotten parts of the bible are so-called Christians who support and side with these corrupt organisations.
Can you provide evidence of who exactly spoke in support of the short lived NAMBLA and here’s the thing when a heterosexual man rapes and murders a little girl no one say “Oh dear that girl was murdered by a heterosexual” they say “Oh dear that girl was murdered by a paedophile”.
NAMBLA was a paediohile advocacy group not a homosexual advocacy group. By far the most likely paedophile is a heterosexual male.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
09 Apr 21

@avalanchethecat said
You conflate separate issues. Has anybody here ever spoken in favour of paedophilia? Do you really think that sex education for children - something that has been conclusively shown to reduce teen pregnancy and spread of STIs - is some sort of conspiracy to encourage homosexuality?

As for atheists quoting the bible to you, we only do it because you seem to have for ...[text shortened]... ten certain parts. Further, you appear to be lying; I have never spoken a word against Jesus Christ.
It’s something he learnt from his idol Putin. To be fair on Putin he does it for political gain and he would probably Lol at Rak999 and his heartfelt homophobic hatred.

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