@sonship saidIf so why do you mention him so many times in that post ?
Did you write this?
. I want to hear much about Jesus etc; not much about Witness Lee.
If so why do you mention him so many times in that post ?
Yes it is all about Christ and His Body, the church.
And I was hoping that you would answer the question I had about what was glorification in your belief ? Don't want to talk about it? Glorification?
Because you are promoting his theological views here, in this forum.
They are his theological views correct? That's what you have been telling us.
Because you are promoting his theological views here, in this forum.
They are his theological views correct? That's what you have been telling us.
No one has yet shown me, at least, where this ministry is off.
That brother went to be with the Lord in 1997 - some fifteen years ago.
The genetic fallacy crowd will have to find somebody else to blame now for the
spread of the Lord's recovery still on the five continents (minus Anarctica as far
as I know).
For my part I have been sharing with any who will listen what is in the pure word of
God. You don't have to agree. But I doubt you can complain that I don't validate what I am talking about by the pure word of the Scripture.
Case in point: Many dear saints have a shallow view of glorification. They only think some outward glory is involved on the surface of the skin. They do not appreciate the process of transformation by divine life spreading, working from the inside out to the outermost as the Apostle Paul taught. Traditional Christianity is mad with some brothers God raised up from the Far East who pointed out what is actually THERE in the NT.
Much rejection of the ministry of Nee and Lee boils down to pride of the Western mind that, surely we here in the West, who brought the gospel to China, have nothing we can learn from them. They got it all from Western missionaries. Right?
The phenomemon of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee is God showing the church
universal that the blood supply for the Body of Christ does not only flow in one direction. Christ can bring the rich supply of revelation from East to West, as He can do the other way around.
Some of us seem by God's mercy to see the light pouring from the throne of God even though it is coming from an unexpected place on earth in traditional Christianity's view.
Do you know why there are cults from God's enemy ?
There are cults raised by the enemy of God so that when the genuine move of God occurs some people will say " Yep. That too is a cult."
As the time of the Lord's arrival hastens and the Spirit is speaking for Christians to prepare to meet Him some will say "Yep, that's a cult there too. And here's their ringleader."
There is nothing really new under the sun.
What is it to be "born again?" Is it just to receive your ticket to heaven?
Or is the new birth about a new growth and new maturing and new building up together in one Body? Or is it just to get a ticket reading "Admit One?"
You must be born again for your ticket to a happy place?
Is that what is all in the New Testament?
We've been put into a stupor of befuddlement Christian brothers and sisters.
The Lord is trying to wake us up for the end time and the transfer of the age.
@sonship saidI said "like" hyper-dispensationalism.
Could you explain what you mean by "hyper-dispensationalism?"
That would be good for my further consideration of your point.
You're not going to give "further consideration" to my point because my point is lost on you. In fact you're not hearing a word I say.
You have injected "deification" into the narrative of scripture.
Can you fathom "deity"? NO YOU CAN'T! God is infinite in all His attributes. Man is but finite. Man will always be finite. Therefore man will never be deified.
Man will be glorified. Immortal. Incorruptible. Free from sin and death. Glorified.
Instead of "considering" perhaps you had better reconsider.
@fmf saidTo be "deified" one would need to be able to fathom all that it means to be God. Not humanly possible.
All I see in your [sonship] characterizations is a flushing-out-of-interpretations by the use of a preponderance of excessive words, some of which don't appear in scripture, to the extent that one is drowned into an oblivion of the loss of the ability to think critically about what the scriptures are teaching, especially to the individual student. The Holy Spirit teaches, as d ...[text shortened]... f us that thinks they know-better-than-thou what we're talking about.
Nail. On the head. Hit.
Man will be glorified. Immortal. Incorruptible. Free from sin and death. Glorified.
Instead of "considering" perhaps you had better reconsider.
Do you mean that no part of you in any sense is God already ?
You are a Christian, are you not?
Does you being a Christian mean that no part of you in any sense can be said to be God?
To be "deified" one would need to be able to fathom all that it means to be God. Not humanly possible.
Is it conversely true that to be human one needs to be able to fathom all that it means to be human? That's humanly impossible.
If so since no one human can fathom ALL that it is to be human, there must be no people who are human?
Then how can I become human ?
Have you ever seen a new born baby who fathomed all that it was to be a
human? I haven't.
Would that mean that no human babies have been born?
@sonship saidI suggest you try talking to josephw as if he is a 9-year-old child...
If so since no one human can fathom ALL that it is to be human, there must be no people who are human? Then how can I become human ? Have you ever seen a new born baby who fathomed all that it was to be a human? I haven't. Would that mean that no human babies have been born?
Oh, no. Wait.
I see you are already trying to do exactly that.
@sonship saidYour attempts to shame Christians into accepting deification are transparent and quite nauseating. A Christian can be born again, transformed, receive the holy spirit, 'all' without being personally deified. This is blatantly obvious to all but you it seems.
A bump for you.
Do you mean that no part of you in any sense is God already ?
To be born again is to receive another life.
That is the life of Christ.
Christ is God.
So to be born again is to possesses as YOUR life . . . the life of God which is in
Christ. There is no way around it. Part of you already is God.
"He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit" (1 Cor. 6:17)
Now, we children of God, have to like Paul, learn by practice to live by that new life. Being "one spirit" with the Lord God intalls deification has already taken place in the human spirit.