@sonship saidIs this a yes or a no?
Go through seven or eight times when I responded specifically to the question from over the last decade. Cut and paste the seven or eight times I did so.
Better yet, show the RULE of the Forum which dictates that every question must be answered with a definite YES or a definite NO.
Show me that RULE for debate and discussion on the Spirituality Forum. In fact show me that rule as it is applied by the webmaster to ANY Forum on this webstite.
@sonship saidWhy would atheists be seeking 'supernatural love' from you? Why would they be interested in your "Triune God" ideology? Why would it stand in the way of friendship and comradeship?
The oneness I have with brothers and sisters in Christ is not a natural love. It is something the source of which is the Triune God.
You have not answered my question.
If you feel more unity with one who denies Jesus is Lord then with those who acknowledge Jesus is Lord - thereby having the Son and the Father, then see to it before God in your private dealings with your heart towards Him.
It is shaping up like you are hiding your answer behind additional questions. That is what is is beginning to look like to me.
Now, one can not like two or more articles or creeds about a doctrinal issue and yet be in possession of the eternal life which is in Christ.
If you have the Son you have the Father also - whether you like it or not, then, you have the Trinity.
You may disagree with theological creeds. But you have BOTH who are BOTH God - Father and Son. Right ?
" ... If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him." (John 14:23)
Is one of the "We" there not God ?
If both are God then the Triune God has come to indwell the lover of Jesus Christ - the Father has come with the Son AS the Holy Spirit.
Experimentally, we can hardly tell any difference. We received Jesus and we came to know God.
The Son given to us will be called "Eternal Father" in Isaiah 9:6. And the Father and the Son in John 14:23 are the Divine and mysterious "We".
Tell your friend FMF.
@sonship saidWhen it comes to my friendship with divegeester, what do you mean by "unity"?
If you feel more unity with one who denies Jesus is Lord then with those who acknowledge Jesus is Lord - thereby having the Son and the Father, then see to it before God in your private dealings with your heart towards Him.
Do you believe that God and Jesus disapprove of divegeester's friendship with me?
Do you believe you will spend eternity with divegeester?
If he has received Christ and I have received Christ - Yes.
You may have read my post on what OSAS does NOT mean.
Jesus didn't teach that His disciples would always be infallible as to who was a genuine Christian and who was not.
But, if he is a Christian, not only will we spend eternity together being perfected by the Triune God into one (John 17) but we will each be conformed to the image of the Firstborn Son of God - Rom. 8:29.
Don't miss all the eternal enjoyment.