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Christ and divine life in Genesis

Christ and divine life in Genesis


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I never worry about people reading some of these discussions and not becoming believers. For some people may read and without realizing it, one day their heart will open up just a little bit. And Christ who is so willing to meet a man or woman where they are, may come into them and cause them imperceptibly to be born of God - born anew.

That's right, planting seeds brother....good job..

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Amen brother. We know it is true because many times that is exactly what happened to us.

Of course some of these skeptics must think we were never unbelievers ourselves. Not so at all !

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The Spirit , the word, and the light were the instruments used by God to generate life on the first day of His restoration and further creation.

The Spirit, the word, and the light are all for life.
We can compare Gen. 1:1-5; Rom. 8:2; Phil. 2:16; John 8:12)

Today the living and available Jesus Christ of resurrection is the Spirit and the reality of God - (Rom. 8:9-10; 2 Cor. 3:17; John 16:13-15)

The Spirit of God is called also the Spirit of life - (Rom. 8:2). In Genesis we see the Spirit of God brooding over the death waters in order to generate life, especially for man. And God wants to impart divine life into man for His purpose - (Gen. 1:2; 2:7; 1:26).

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Originally posted by sonship
Amen brother. We know it is true because many times that is exactly what happened to us.

Of course some of these skeptics must think we were never unbelievers ourselves. Not so at all !
I remember still, how vain it was, how gloomy. I finally decided there had to be more to life than 70 years and a hole in the ground....and I was only about 25 at the time. I knew there had to be more....I refused to accept Satan's lie.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
I remember still, how vain it was, how gloomy. I finally decided there had to be more to life than 70 years and a hole in the ground....and I was only about 25 at the time. I knew there had to be more....I refused to accept Satan's lie.
We knew that there had to be more to life. Then we received the "the life that is life indeed", that is Christ as the divine life.

For some of us the life was unconscious at first - like the unconscious grass, or herbs, or trees that sprung up on the third day. That was good.

Then with some growth of life we entered into the fifth day life - the swimming fish in the salt water.

[b]"And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living animals, and let the birds fly above the earh in the open expanse of heaven.

After the lowest level of life, the unconscious life came the conscious life.
First came the fish in the salty sea.
Then came the birds flying above in the sky.

The fish of the sea signify the stage of divine life that allows the believer to live in the world yet not become of the world. The world is like a vast salty sea. The fish can live in the sea without being killed by the salt. If they die they become salty. But as living things they can live in the salty sea.

This is the growth of the divine life which enables a person to be in the fallen and corrupted world yet not be corrupted by the world. This is a further growth of the life of Jesus Christ in the believer.

After the fish life comes the bird life. This is an even higher degree of life because it can transcend above the earth. The fish can live in the world. The bird can sore in the sky above to transcend over the world.

In Genesis one we see the march of life upward and upward. We see life advancing in a way that speaks of the growth of God's divine life in the person who has been born again.

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