@ghost-of-a-duke saidThe word "evil" refers to certain kinds of morally unsound behaviour. I believe it is a social construct, not a supernatural one, even if many humans do superimpose supernatural notions onto the concept in their efforts to make sense of the human condition.
I get your point about 'subjective observation' but am tendering the notion that evil is merely a state of lacking something. In a similar fashion, 'stupid' does not exist, with stupidity merely being a lack of intelligence. - We perceive something as bad/evil when it is void of goodness.
I would suggest that "evil" is egregious immorality ~ as already defined in umpteen other discussions ~ and gratuitous, sociopathic action that is gravely detrimental and/or damaging to others, and which stems from an abject lack or even absence of empathy and compassion.
04 Jan 20
@kellyjay saidIf you believe that you deserve to be tormented in burning flames for eternity by a supernatural being that created you because of how "evil" you are, that's a matter for you.
It is only when we only get a glimpse of how bad and evil are as we get to realize that there is a good and proper way to behave, a 'should'.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidBecause I fear for those that fail to turn back to God through Jesus Christ, and instead stay in their sins. I believe God didn't have to save us because of our evil before Him, with our unthankfulness, disdain for Him and each other. I cannot imagine what Jesus had to endure to cause us to be considered righteous before God who is completely holy, righteous, and just. I know Jesus suffered for us to the degree that we could be redeemed. There is no one I want to see go there. That said, I know Jesus’ sacrifice will be in vain for some, angering the Spirit of grace! If you believe someone you care about was heading towards a danger that could be avoided, wouldn’t you say something?
Why is that important to you?
Hebrews 10:29
How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?
@kellyjay saidHow do you know it's not "the deceiver of the whole world" ~ that you actually believe exists ~ who's making you pour out all this narcissistic and deeply misanthropic dogma that you've rote learned?
Because I fear for those that fail to turn back to God through Jesus Christ, and instead stay in their sins. I believe God didn't have to save us because of our evil before Him, with our unthankfulness, disdain for Him and each other. I cannot imagine what Jesus had to endure to cause us to be considered righteous before God who is completely holy, righteous, and just. I kno ...[text shortened]... meone you care about was heading towards a danger that could be avoided, wouldn’t you say something?
@fmf saidKellyJay is ignoring you because Jesus loves you but he doesn’t so he’s posting all this stuff in isolation hoping you will pick up on it without him having to demean himself and accidentally reply to one of your posts.
How do you know it's not "the deceiver of the whole world" ~ that you actually believe exists ~ who's making you pour out all this narcissistic and deeply misanthropic dogma that you've rote learned?
Be grateful!
@ghost-of-a-duke saidRE sentence 1: I've no problem with goodness and maliciousness being opposite ends of the same spectrum; I think, however, you have omitted the middle, and one of the extremes, of that spectrum.
Void of what it means to be good, malicious actions are just actions. It takes an awareness of goodness to differentiate.
When I view my cat toying with a mouse, I may judge her actions as bad or malicious, she doesn't.
@kellyjay saidYou haven't been saying "something" to me ~ in fact you haven't been saying anything to me ~ for several months now, ever since I called you out for your shabby attempt to leverage my love and concern for my family in order to try to make me agree with your torturer god ideology. What does NOT saying something to someone mean when you do it?
If you believe someone you care about was heading towards a danger that could be avoided, wouldn’t you say something?
@bigdoggproblem saidMy dissertation (not well received) was on the personification of evil in world religions, and it is specifically this religious representation and understanding of evil that I am reluctant to accommodate. FMF is right of course that 'the word "evil" refers to certain kinds of morally unsound behaviour,' but in the context of this forum I find the word loaded with religious connotations.
RE sentence 1: I've no problem with goodness and maliciousness being opposite ends of the same spectrum; I think, however, you have omitted the middle, and one of the extremes, of that spectrum.
Evil simply doesn't exist in the way it is defined by most of the world's religions.
@bigdoggproblem saidThe devil is a created being no different than any other. He isn't a balance of God’s goodness when the time comes, all evil will be judged and completely removed. Since evil is the fruit of living beings, all not redeemed will be judged for the evil done.
RE sentence 1: I've no problem with goodness and maliciousness being opposite ends of the same spectrum; I think, however, you have omitted the middle, and one of the extremes, of that spectrum.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidDoes it surprise you that I believe that your flaws in the interpretation of Scriptures root causes are displayed in what you just said? You turn it into a fantasy novel, so you can color the text any way you choose.
So says a book, no different than any other.
@kellyjay saidIt is nothing to do with the flaws in interpreting scripture, but rather my disbelief in the source.
Does it surprise you that I believe that your flaws in the interpretation of Scriptures root causes are displayed in what you just said? You turn it into a fantasy novel, so you can color the text any way you choose.
I don't turn it into a fantasy novel. It 'is' a fantasy novel and you can offer nothing to prove otherwise, other than 'you believe it' to be the word of God.
@kellyjay saidDoing things your own way that don’t bring glory to God?
II wonder what others that believe he real, think his great deceptions are that he is doing to the whole world? What truths would he want to hide from everyone in the world?
Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.