Derek Prince on Demons

Derek Prince on Demons


14 Mar 15
09 Jan 19

@sonship said
You're surprised that psychedelics messed with the normal functioning of your brain?

How curious.

For some reason I feel hesitant to pass that little gem of insight on to a few parents I know whose children died using psychedelic drugs.

Medieval superstition you think?
What are you on about anyway? Yes, drugs can kill. What does this have to do with demons?!

Mind-altering drugs do Just that. Taking such drugs and then blaming their influence on demons is just plain silly.

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03 Jan 13
09 Jan 19


Mind-altering drugs do Just that. Taking such drugs and then blaming their influence on demons is just plain silly.

It would be silly if I blamed each and every effect of drugs on demons. Since I do not do that, I don't think it is silly.

Of course I can understand your eagerness to make a handy blanket generalization concerning my belief.

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03 Jan 13
09 Jan 19
3 edits


What does this have to do with demons?!

The connection I may not understand completely. But there are things people can do to render themselves more vulnerable to these demonic spirits.

Surrendering your will to deep passivity in certain kinds of ways may lead to the activity of the demonic over you. For this reason some forms of passivity in hypnosis or meditation or drug use I believe can leave the human vulnerable to evil spirits.

Man was not meant to be without self control. And some seekers of unusual experiences use methods or drugs to reliquish their self control.

There is something in this against the principle of the created man. And it can be dangerous. Though I am no expert, I am pretty sure psychedelics in one form of the self abuse of surrendering the human will up to whatever may happen to you.

But to generalize and say no medical use could be pursued also with certain drugs would be to go beyond what I believe.

Some things in moderation are not harmful. While the same things with greedy unbridled indulgence may be.

14 Mar 15
10 Jan 19

@sonship said

Mind-altering drugs do Just that. Taking such drugs and then blaming their influence on demons is just plain silly.

It would be silly if I blamed each and every effect of drugs on demons. Since I do not do that, I don't think it is silly.

Of course I can understand your eagerness to make a handy blanket generalization concerning my belief.
Yes, I have made a handy blanket generalization that crediting demons with the effects of mind-altering drugs is ridiculous.

Such drugs don't make you susceptible to demons, such drugs mess with your head making you believe that is what is going on.

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03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19

"Many view the occult with suspition. But modern science is often working on the edge of the supernatural trying to solve mysteries which confronted the first magicians."

History of the Occult | The Magicians.


28 Oct 05
10 Jan 19

@sonship said
"Many view the occult with suspition. But modern science is often working on the edge of the supernatural trying to solve mysteries which confronted the first magicians."

History of the Occult | The Magicians.
Is it on the basis of YouTube clips like this that you claim to have "legitimate knowledge" about "demons"?

14 Mar 15
10 Jan 19

@sonship said
"Many view the occult with suspition. But modern science is often working on the edge of the supernatural trying to solve mysteries which confronted the first magicians."

History of the Occult | The Magicians.
Have you considered it was your use of psychedelics that have rendered you susceptible to the idea of demons?

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16 Feb 08
10 Jan 19

@sonship said
Surrendering your will to deep passivity in certain kinds of ways may lead to the activity of the demonic over you. For this reason some forms of passivity in hypnosis or meditation or drug use I believe can leave the human vulnerable to evil spirits.
Do you have any evidence to support this claim?

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03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19
5 edits


No. That is NOT what happened. I was driven twice to commit suicide. Now in my subconscious there was not a long lost longing to commit suicide.

I did not shortly after THAT learn about demonlogy. The use of the psychedelics did not cause me to suspect such.

It was latter when I turned my heart over the the Lord Jesus and began to open my mind to the Bible, and experiences of Christians. It was then I said "I have experienced something like this. I understand now what is being said here."

I would add that I have usually been opened to unusual things. I first started around the age of 11 interest in books on "Strange Experiences" by non-religious people. I had an interest in hypnosis for a season. I had an interest in a cult called the Rosacrucians for awhile. For awhile I was interested in graphology (which may not be considered occult)

Secret knowledge, ancient knowledge was an interest to me for much of my adolescence. However I had no thought of demons.

I read poetry by which referred to such.
H.G. Wells. Ray Bradbury, William Seabrook, and the edge of the mundane was a fascination to me. Science Fiction I have always loved. My influential older brother was deep into Ghost Stories.

But the concept of the demonic I learned from Christian faith.

Through all these pre-Christian interests though there was never a belief in spirits or demons or angels. I did believe in unusual experiences which science found hard to explain because I had gathered such books.

The book from which I learn the most about demons was G.H. Pember's book "Earth's Earliest Ages" which was a wonderful exposition of the first six chapters of the book of Genesis.

After Pember's book another was much like is by Donald Barnhouse called "The Invisible War" which echoed much of Pember's ideas.

Both argued convincingly to me that demons were disembodied spirits of creatures who lived on the earth in a pre-Adamic time. Both were so-called "Old Earth" creationist like books.

I don't like to talk about this stuff nearly as much as I like to speak of the Son of God - Jesus.

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03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19
1 edit


A rigorous time consuming labor to convince you, I do not think I will devote my time to now.

You can remain skeptical if you wish.
But I do think these non-religious documentaries would be beneficial to knowing something about the history of the occult and intersections with sciences and superstition.

History of the Occult | The Magicians.

Occult Science - Ancient Magic Is Real - Historical Documentary HD

BBC Documentary: Secret Science of the Occult Ancient Discoveries


14 Mar 15
10 Jan 19


Okay, I'll try and be as succinct as I can. Trying to answer objectively, which do you think is more likely?

1. You took psychedelics drugs which are 'mind-altering' and although can affect people differently, are known to increase such emotions as fear, excitement, euphoria, depression, suicidal ideation. (Even in people who are not suicidal before taking the drug). You willingly took a chemical into your system whose very design is to have an effect on your perception and brain function. - As a result of taking the drug, you experience the negative consequences you described.

2. Taking psychedelics drugs temporarily weakened your mind allowing malevolent demons to encourage you to kill yourself.

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03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19


I don't think you have an either / or scenario there.

Some validity may be an aspect of both interpretations.

So by taking your second alternative I do not totally devalue your first. Nor visa versa.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
10 Jan 19

@sonship said

A rigorous time consuming labor to convince you, I do not think I will devote my time to now.

You can remain skeptical if you wish.
But I do think these non-religious documentaries would be beneficial to knowing something about the history of the occult and intersections with sciences and superstition.

History of the Occult | The Magicians.
https://w ...[text shortened]... ry: Secret Science of the Occult Ancient Discoveries
When I say "evidence" I meant scriptural veracity, not more secular video clips.

Do you have any scriptural evidence to support your claims?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
10 Jan 19

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
10 Jan 19
1 edit

@sonship said

No. That is NOT what happened. I was driven twice to commit suicide. Now in my subconscious there was not a long lost longing to commit suicide.

I did not shortly after THAT learn about demonlogy. The use of the psychedelics did not cause me to suspect such.

It was latter when I turned my heart over the the Lord Jesus and began to open my mind to ...[text shortened]...
I don't like to talk about this stuff nearly as much as I like to speak of the Son of God - Jesus.
I politely suggest you adhere robustly to scripture on these matters and I respectfully advise against the recreational inquiry into it. These are not positive matters to dwell on and serve no purpose. Your belief structure is filled with hell and eternal suffering and now you are on about demons and following links to secular videos about this stuff. Do yourself (and us) a favour and leave it alone sonship.

Best intentions.

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