Derek Prince on Demons

Derek Prince on Demons


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03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19
2 edits


Your belief structure is filled with hell and eternal suffering

My beliefs as not FILLED with hell and eternal suffering.

There is this poster Divegeester (you) who at every opportunity nearly, places and re-places these matters front and center of just about every thread he sees me write in.

The subject seems to be adored by this poster as evidenced by his bafflement that everyone who opens a Bible doesn't share his revulsion to some things Jesus said.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19
2 edits


. Do yourself (and us) a favour and leave it alone sonship.

Best intentions.

I'll trade you some advice too with "best intentions".

You need to start reading your Bible.
You need to start putting some of your preconceived baggage aside and read what is there in the Bible.

You impress this poster as kind of afraid to open up and read the Bible itself in a complete and thorough way. I think your closed Bible is because of fear of some commentaries that you embraced and want to shield from being contradicted.

14 Mar 15
10 Jan 19

@sonship said

I don't think you have an either / or scenario there.

Some validity may be an aspect of both interpretations.

So by taking your second alternative I do not totally devalue your first. Nor visa versa.
You are gravely mistaken. The first option is a reasonable understanding of how drugs work and the effects they have on the brain. Something that is well researched and professionally understood. The second option is a childlike response that ignores the sensible explanation of option 1. Take a good look at the 2 options again and ask yourself why you readily chose option 2 to account for your own negative experiences when option 1 is far more likely and quantifiable.

1. You took psychedelics drugs which are 'mind-altering' and although can affect people differently, are known to increase such emotions as fear, excitement, euphoria, depression, suicidal ideation. (Even in people who are not suicidal before taking the drug). You willingly took a chemical into your system whose very design is to have an effect on your perception and brain function. - As a result of taking the drug, you experience the negative consequences you described.

2. Taking psychedelics drugs temporarily weakened your mind allowing malevolent demons to encourage you to kill yourself.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19
9 edits


You are gravely mistaken. The first option is a reasonable understanding of how drugs work and the effects they have on the brain. Something that is well researched and professionally understood. The second option is a childlike response that ignores the sensible explanation of option 1. Take a good look at the 2 options again and ask yourself why you readily chose option 2 to account for your own negative experiences when option 1 is far more likely and quantifiable.

My answer remains the same though you have tried to force choice #1 as the only choice.

A.) "More likely" does not mean the only possibility.
B.) "More researched" does not dictate it is the only possibility
C.) Your bias of world view presupposition seeks to rig the choice.
D.) "Professionally understood" means secular credentials only will be consulted. Some professionals have secular training as well as spiritual experience as Christian workers.
E.) You assume that I have not taken a "good look" at the second alternative. I've taken a good look at both.
F.) Simplicity of explanation is not necessarily "childlike".
G.) Your unbelief in God's revelation dictates what you regard as "sensible".
H.) Christ spoke about demons. And His integrity to me is beyond questioning.

So I remain convinced that some usage of mind altering drugs or exercises can open one's being up to demonic activity.

This doesn't mean all who delve into psychedelics are subject to demons.

Lastly, if you're a macro evolutionists you are essentially a believer in what very ancient people believed about physical objects possessing life powers.

As long as you believe life arose spontaneously from nonliving material or that mind arose from dirt,
there is not that much difference in that and old superstitions that mountains, rocks, lakes, and material objects somehow possessed within them the power of life.
So to view a superstitious person check your nearest household mirror.


28 Oct 05
10 Jan 19

@sonship said
So to view a superstitious person check your nearest household mirror.
"Superstitious" means belief in supernatural causality. What belief in supernatural causality are you claiming Ghost of a Duke has?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19


Your face there is too willfully ugly.
Looks to me like you're rooting for the demons.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19


Based on jaywill's posting history one would be the taking-words-out-of-context demon.

I'm relieved to know that a cure may be on its way.

Of course, there are more, but it'd be a start.

So says the stealthy enemy of the ministry of Jesus while He was on earth.


28 Oct 05
10 Jan 19

@sonship said
My beliefs as not FILLED with hell and eternal suffering.
I disagree. The very moral essence of your torturer god ideology is that the supernatural being you worship tortures billions and billions of people for not being Christians.

All the rest of the breathless ideological schlock you peddle about your immortality and you "becoming more like Jesus" all pales in the face of the sheer moral depravity of your god figure.

When there is a rotting elephant in your ideological room, the smell of rotting elephant is the only smell that matters.


28 Oct 05
10 Jan 19

@sonship said

Your face there is too willfully ugly.
Looks to me like you're rooting for the demons.
What belief in supernatural causality are you claiming Ghost of a Duke has?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19
1 edit


I disagree. The very moral essence of your torturer god ideology is that the supernatural being you worship tortures billions and billions of people for not being Christians.

You look tortured enough without any help from anyone.

All the rest of the breathless ideological schlock you peddle about your immortality and you "becoming more like Jesus" all pales in the face of the sheer moral depravity of your god figure.

Since you have no moral absolutes you've no basis to make absolute judgments about morality.

When there is a rotting elephant in your ideological room, the smell of rotting elephant is the only smell that matters.

A poster was spot on when he said that your problem is that you think your own poop doesn't stink. Bull's eye.

ps. Credit to Philokalia I believe

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Jan 19
2 edits


Your two cents are noted. Now over on the other thread we await your reply to Ghost about this:

ToO (one suspects) does not believe Jesus was sent by God, and the fact that Jesus said 'he was' sent by God is highly problematic for him. Previously I surmised only 3 replies are possible:

1. Jesus lied. (Which would be self-destroying for ToO).
2. Those words were falsely attributed to him. (Impossible to prove and would raise the question 'how can we, therefore, be certain any of his words were attributable to him? )
3. Jesus faithfully believed he was sent by God but was mistaken. (A particularly weak argument and would cause ToO a whole host of problems).

There is perhaps a 4th understanding that ToO might be toying with:

4. When Jesus said he was sent by God he was speaking figuratively (not literally). Of course, even here ToO will struggle to defend such a position. (Especially as he is thoroughly lacking in a theology degree).

You've had long enough to educate us all by now.
Its not going away.

Calling Out ThinkOfOne

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
10 Jan 19
1 edit

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
10 Jan 19

@sonship said
You need to start reading your Bible.
You need to start putting some of your preconceived baggage aside and read what is there in the Bible.
I’m aware that you don’t like me disagreeing with you about your strange beliefs sonship. My well intentioned advice stands nonetheless.


28 Oct 05
10 Jan 19

@sonship said

I disagree. The very moral essence of your torturer god ideology is that the supernatural being you worship tortures billions and billions of people for not being Christians.

You look tortured enough without any help from anyone.

All the rest of the breathless ideological schlock you peddle about your immortality and you "becoming more ...[text shortened]... s that you think your own poop doesn't stink. Bull's eye.

ps. Credit to Philokalia I believe
You have dodged the content of my post. I was responding to your assertion: "My beliefs as not FILLED with hell and eternal suffering." In fact "hell and eternal suffering" form the very foundation of your religious beliefs. You claiming that the torturer god ideology represents a "moral absolute" is simply you doubling down on the incoherence of the supposed "perfect morality" of what you propagate.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
10 Jan 19

@sonship said

Your belief structure is filled with hell and eternal suffering

My beliefs as not FILLED with hell and eternal suffering.

There is this poster Divegeester (you) who at every opportunity nearly, places and re-places these matters front and center of just about every thread he sees me write in.

The subject seems to be adored ...[text shortened]... s bafflement that everyone who opens a Bible doesn't share his revulsion to some things Jesus said.
Your belief that billions of people will be burnt alive for eternity because they are not Christians taints your whole spiritual persona. There is nothing that gets past it. It’s horrendous.

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